我尝试使用 John Kormylo 的想法进行网格排版。
命令 \resetbase 对于非浮动对象(如方程式或标题)非常有效。但是如何在浮动对象之后使用它?当我在 \end{figure} 之后直接添加它时,它没有帮助,因为 Latex 通常会将浮动对象移开。
\documentclass[fleqn,twocolumn,12pt]{book}% Some compilations required.
\def\@textbottom{\vskip \fill}\let\@texttop\relax}
\geometry{a4paper,left=15mm,right=15mm, top=26mm, bottom=17mm}
{\strut\tikz[remember picture, overlay]{\pgfextracty{\baselineoffset}%
{\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpointanchor{current page text area} {north}}}
\advance\baselineoffset by \dimexpr \baselineskip-\topskip\relax
\advance\baselineoffset by -\baselineskip
[remember picture,
normal lines/.style={black!20, very thin}]
\draw [style=normal lines, step=\normalbaselineskip] (current page.south west) grid (current page.north east);
\resetbase {\bfseries Here we get the correct alignment. No problem after headings.}
\sin \alpha & = \sqrt{\sqrt{\frac{\int dx}{\int f(x)dx}}} \\
\int \frac12 & = 1 \\
\sin \alpha & = \sqrt{\sqrt{\frac{\int dx}{\int f(x)dx}}}
\resetbase {\bfseries No problem after equations. But I don't know how to align floats.} \lipsum[1] Here the problem begins.
{\Huge $\int \frac{dx}{x} = \ln |x| + c$}
\vskip 20pt
{\large\bfseries How can I put a \string\resetbase{} after a float?}
{\bfseries No alignment! When I write \string\resetbase{} directly after \string\end \{figure\} it does not help because the float is usually moved away by \LaTeX .} \lipsum[1]
我再次尝试使用 John Kormylo 的\inspace
\documentclass[fleqn,twocolumn,12pt]{book}% Some compilations required.
\def\@textbottom{\vskip \fill}\let\@texttop\relax}
\geometry{a4paper,left=15mm,right=15mm, top=26mm, bottom=17mm}
\NewDocumentCommand{\resetbase}{}% put baseline a multiple of \baselineskip below top of page
{\strut\tikz[remember picture, overlay]{\pgfextracty{\baselineoffset}%
{\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfpointanchor{current page text area}{north}}}
\advance\baselineoffset by \dimexpr \baselineskip-\topskip\relax
\advance\baselineoffset by -\baselineskip
[remember picture,
normal lines/.style={black!20, very thin}]
\draw [style=normal lines, step=\normalbaselineskip] (current page.south west) grid (current page.north east);
\newcommand{\inspace}[3][c]% #1 = t/c/b (optional), #2 = number of lines (0=compute), #3 = contents
\dimen0=\dimexpr \ht0+\dp0\relax
\count1=\numexpr \dimen0/\normalbaselineskip\relax
\multiply\dimen0 by \count1
\def\opt{t}% align to top
\strut\rlap{\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\ht0}[0pt][0pt]{\usebox0}} \terminate
\def\opt{b}% align to bottom
\strut\rlap{\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox+\dp0-\dimen0}[0pt][0pt]{\usebox0}}\terminate
\else% anything else is centered
\strut\rlap{\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-0.5\ht0+0.5\dp0-0.5\dimen0}[0pt][0pt]{\usebox0}}\terminate
\advance\count1 by -1
\resetbase {\bfseries Here we get the correct alignment. No problem after headings.}
\sin \alpha & = \sqrt{\sqrt{\frac{\int dx}{\int f(x)dx}}} \\
\int \frac12 & = 1 \\
\sin \alpha & = \sqrt{\sqrt{\frac{\int dx}{\int f(x)dx}}}
{\bfseries No problem after equations with \string\inspace.} \lipsum[1] Here the problem begins.
{\Huge $\int \frac{dx}{x} = \ln |x| + c$}
\vskip 20pt
{\large\bfseries Wy doesn't this work?}
{\bfseries Still No alignment! What am I doing wrong?} \lipsum[1]