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%\renewcommand{\nompreamble}{The next list describes several symbols that will be later used within the body of the thesis}
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\chapter{Temporal dynamics at the cell level}\label{sect:tempdyncell}
\paragraph{Experimental conditions ---}
The experiments were designed to test the dynamic response of intracellular states in response to variations in the external ammonium abundance, including the run-out, starvation and a subsequent ammonium shock.
The experimental data include
\paragraph{Regulation of nitrogen uptake ---}
We now give an outline of the interactions and the dynamic behaviour of the nitrogen system. Further biochemical details will be provided in the next section during the presentation of the mathematical model.
\subsection{Mechanistic model of nitrogen assimilation}
\paragraph{Definition of system boundaries ---}
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\chapter{Temporal dynamics at the cell level}
\paragraph{Experimental conditions ---}
The experiments were designed to test the dynamic response of intracellular states in response to variations in the external ammonium abundance, including the run-out, starvation and a subsequent ammonium shock.
The experimental data include
\paragraph{Regulation of nitrogen uptake ---}
We now give an outline of the interactions and the dynamic behaviour of the nitrogen system. Further biochemical details will be provided in the next section during the presentation of the mathematical model.
\subsection{Mechanistic model of nitrogen assimilation}
\paragraph{Definition of system boundaries ---}