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\newcommand{\argmin}{\operatornamewithlimits{arg\ min}}
\caption{The parameters in $p_{\theta}(x_i|z) \sim \mathcal{N}(\bm{\mu}_{x_i|z}^{},
\mathbf{\sigma}_{x_i|z}^2 \mathbf{I})$.
The reconstruction is given by $\tilde{x}=\bm{\mu}_{x|z}$. For readability
purposes we do not specify the parameters $\phi,\theta$ in the networks.
However, these parameters are represented by the lines joining the nodes in
the networks plus a bias term attached to each node. In the particular case
of the AEVB algorithm $\phi^{} \equiv \theta^{}$.}
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\caption{The parameters in \smash{$p_{\theta}(x_i|z) \sim \mathcal{N}(\bm{\mu}_{x_i|z}^{},
\mathbf{\sigma}_{x_i|z}^2 \mathbf{I})$}.
The reconstruction is given by $\tilde{x}=\bm{\mu}_{x|z}$. For readability
purposes we do not specify the parameters $\phi,\theta$ in the networks.
However, these parameters are represented by the lines joining the nodes in
the networks plus a bias term attached to each node. In the particular case
of the AEVB algorithm $\phi^{} \equiv \theta^{}$.}