


\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Network characteristics}} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Burundi}} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{DRC}} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Rwanda}}\\ \cline{3-11}

 &  & \textbf{T1} & \textbf{T2} & \textbf{\$Delta} & \textbf{T1} & \textbf{T2} &
\textbf{$\Delta} & \textbf{T1} & \textbf{T2} & \textbf{$\Delta} \\ \hline
\multirow{4}{=}{\textbf{Collaboration}} & \textbf{Size} & 120 & 100 & -17\% &
246 & 147 & -40\% &103 & 76 & -26\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{Ties} & 202 & 183 & -9\% &
844 & 314 & -63\% &153 & 188 & 23\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{With 1} & 183 & 129 & -30\% &
701 & 256 & -63\% &27 & 139 & 9\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{With 2 or more} & 19 & 54 & 184\% &
143 & 58 & -59\% &26 & 4 & 88\% \\\cline{2-11}

\multirow{4}{=}{\textbf{Knowledge exchange}} 
& \textbf{Size} & 31 & 36 & 16\%
&34 & 24 & -29\% &23 & 25 & 9\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{Ties} & 71 & 77 & 8\% &
189 & 69 & -63\% &43 & 79 & 84\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{With 1} & 58 & 60 & -3\% &
152 & 60 & -61\% &37 & 55 & 49\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{With 2+} & 13 & 17 & 31\% &
37 & 9 & -76\% &6 & 24 & 300\% \\\cline{2-11}

\multirow{4}{=}{\textbf{Influence spread}} & \textbf{Size} & 27 & 39 & 44\%
&41 & 15 & -63\% &22 & 21 & -5\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{Ties} & 50 & 83 & 66\% &
207 & 51 & -75\% &43 & 67 & 56\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{With 1} & 50 & 64 & 28\% &
170 & 47 & -72\% & 37 & 56 & 51\% \\\cline{2-11}
 & \textbf{With 2+} & 0 & 19 & N.A. &
37 & 4 & -89\% & 6 & 11 & 83 \\\cline{2-11}
\caption{Changes in the collaboration, knowledge exchange, and influence spread
characteristics of multi-stakeholder networks in Burundi, DRC, and Rwanda}






\multicolumn{2}{c}{Network characteristics} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Burundi} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{DRC} &

& & {T1} & {T2} & {$\Delta/\%$}
  & {T1} & {T2} & {$\Delta/\%$}
  & {T1} & {T2} & {$\Delta/\%$} \\

Collabora- & Size    & 120 & 100 &    -17 & 246 & 147 & -40 & 103 &  76 & -26 \\
tion       & Ties    & 202 & 183 &     -9 & 844 & 314 & -63 & 153 & 188 &  23 \\
           & With 1  & 183 & 129 &    -30 & 701 & 256 & -63 &  27 & 139 &   9 \\
           & With 2+ &  19 &  54 &    184 & 143 &  58 & -59 &  26 &   4 &  88 \\
Knowledge  & Size    &  31 &  36 &     16 &  34 &  24 & -29 &  23 &  25 &   9 \\
exchange   & Ties    &  71 &  77 &      8 & 189 &  69 & -63 &  43 &  79 &  84 \\
           & With 1  &  58 &  60 &     -3 & 152 &  60 & -61 &  37 &  55 &  49 \\
           & With 2+ &  13 &  17 &     31 &  37 &   9 & -76 &   6 &  24 & 300 \\
Influence  & Size    &  27 &  39 &     44 &  41 &  15 & -63 &  22 &  21 &  -5 \\
spread     & Ties    &  50 &  83 &     66 & 207 &  51 & -75 &  43 &  67 &  56 \\
           & With 1  &  50 &  64 &     28 & 170 &  47 & -72 &  37 &  56 &  51 \\
           & With 2+ &   0 &  19 & {N.A.} &  31 &   4 & -89 &   6 &  11 &  83 \\
\caption{Changes in the collaboration, knowledge exchange, and influence spread
characteristics of multi-stakeholder networks in Burundi, DRC, and Rwanda}

