我的论文模板中的子部分运行不正常。此外,当我加载 {arabtex} 包时,有些东西被遗漏了

我的论文模板中的子部分运行不正常。此外,当我加载 {arabtex} 包时,有些东西被遗漏了

我正在用这个模板写论文。我有两个问题:第一:subsection 和 subsubsection 命令不起作用。第二:我需要使用 {arabtex} 包。然而,当我加载这个包时,有些东西被遗漏了。


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\renewcommand{\abstractname}{\centering\mySixteen\bfseries ABSTRACT}
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\textbf{My Title}
\newgeometry{top=48mm, bottom=25mm, left=30mm, right=25mm}
\textbf{My Title} \vspace{\stretch{1}}
By \\
\textbf{Me } \\
\textbf{My Advisor} \\
Co-Advisor \\
\textbf{my Co-advisor
%\footnote{EECS at Case Western Reserve University, Clevelan, OH, USA}
 Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
M.Sc. in Computer Engineering\\At \\Faculty of Graduate Studies
\\my schol\\
January, 2017
%\phantomsection \label{dedication}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\large\mdseries DEDICATION}
\emph{To My Lovely Father and Mother: Anwar and Manal} \\
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\large\mdseries ACKNOWLEDGMENT}
My sensate thanks go to my advisor.
\newgeometry{top=31mm, bottom=25mm, left=30mm, right=25mm}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\large\mdseries TABLE OF CONTENT}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\large\mdseries LIST OF FIGURES}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\large\mdseries LIST OF TABLES}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{\large\mdseries ABSTRACT}
\newgeometry{top=48mm, bottom=25mm, left=30mm, right=25mm}
\vspace{1 cm}
\vspace{1 cm}
Various techniques....
\pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1}
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The mental disorders such
\chapter{Literature Reviews}
\label{Literature Reviews}
IoT systems are

\subsection{IoT systems for Healthcare}
this is a subsection
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\mySixteen\bfseries Abstract in Arabic Language}







