减少 tikz 中的行距

减少 tikz 中的行距

我在 tikz 中有文本。如何减少所有文本行之间的垂直间距?例如,以下示例中单词“Upstream”和“Bias”之间的间距。





\draw[<-] node[anchor=north] {$t$} (0,0) -- (10,0) ;

\draw[thick, blue] (0,2)  parabola[bend at end] (7,0.5);
\draw[thick, blue] (7,0.5)  parabola (9,2);

\draw[thick, blue] (0,3)  parabola[bend at end] (3,4);
\draw[thick, blue] (3,4)  parabola (9,3);

\draw[thick,dashed,red] (7,0) coordinate  parabola (7,8) ;
\draw[thick,dashed,red] (3,0) coordinate  parabola (3,8) ;
\draw[thick,dashed,black] (5,0) coordinate  parabola (5,8) ;

\draw (8,8) node [draw, text width=1.1cm, align=center]  {\tiny Upstream Bias};
\draw (6,8) node [text width=1.1cm, align=center] {\tiny  Upstream Bias};
\draw (4,8) node [draw, text width=1.1cm, align=center] {\tiny Downstream Bias};
\draw (2,8) node [text width=1.1cm, align=center]  {\tiny  Downstream Bias};

\draw (10.2,3) node {Production};
\draw (10,2) node {Price};

\draw (5,0) node[anchor=north]  {\tiny Switch of R\&D Bias};









\draw[<-] node[anchor=north] {$t$} (0,0) -- (10,0) ;

\draw[thick, blue] (0,2)  parabola[bend at end] (7,0.5);
\draw[thick, blue] (7,0.5)  parabola (9,2);

\draw[thick, blue] (0,3)  parabola[bend at end] (3,4);
\draw[thick, blue] (3,4)  parabola (9,3);

\draw[thick,dashed,red] (7,0) coordinate  parabola (7,8) ;
\draw[thick,dashed,red] (3,0) coordinate  parabola (3,8) ;
\draw[thick,dashed,black] (5,0) coordinate  parabola (5,8) ;

\draw (8,8) node [draw, text width=1.1cm, align=center,font=\tiny]  {Upstream Bias};
\draw (6,8) node [text width=1.1cm, align=center,font=\tiny] {Upstream Bias};
\draw (4,8) node [draw, text width=1.1cm, align=center,font=\tiny] {Downstream Bias};
\draw (2,8) node [text width=1.1cm, align=center,font=\tiny]  {Downstream Bias};

\draw (10.2,3) node {Production};
\draw (10,2) node {Price};

\draw (5,0) node[anchor=north,font=\tiny]  {Switch of R\&D Bias};







\draw[<-] node[anchor=north] {$t$} (0,0) -- (10,0) ;

\draw[thick, blue] (0,2)  parabola[bend at end] (7,0.5);
\draw[thick, blue] (7,0.5)  parabola (9,2);

\draw[thick, blue] (0,3)  parabola[bend at end] (3,4);
\draw[thick, blue] (3,4)  parabola (9,3);

\draw[thick,dashed,red] (7,0) coordinate  parabola (7,8) ;
\draw[thick,dashed,red] (3,0) coordinate  parabola (3,8) ;
\draw[thick,dashed,black] (5,0) coordinate  parabola (5,8) ;

\draw (8,8) node [draw, text width=1.1cm, align=center]  {Upstream Bias};
\draw (6,8) node [text width=1.1cm, align=center] {Upstream Bias};
\draw (4,8) node [draw, text width=1.1cm, align=center] {Downstream Bias};
\draw (2,8) node [text width=1.1cm, align=center]  {Downstream Bias};

\draw (10.2,3) node[font=\normalsize] {Production};
\draw (10,2) node[font=\normalsize] {Price};

\draw (5,0) node[anchor=north]  {Switch of R\&D Bias};


