如何减少 tcolorbox 中的行间距

如何减少 tcolorbox 中的行间距


        This is a very small example for my class. This box has 1.5 of spacing like we can see

    This is a very small example for my class. I want this box with spacing between lines of 1.0 and we can see has the same spacing.






        This is a very small example for my class. This box has 1.5 of spacing like we can see

   \begin{tcolorbox}[fontupper=\linespread{.66}\selectfont]% <---
    This is a very small example for my class. I want this box with spacing between lines of 1.0 and we can see has the same spacing.




        This is a very small example for my class. This box has 1.5 of spacing like we can see

    This is a very small example for my class. I want this box with spacing between lines of 2.0 and we can see has the same spacing.

    This is a very small example for my class. This box has 1.5 of spacing like we can see

