如何在 \author{} 中正常使用 \par?

如何在 \author{} 中正常使用 \par?




\title{\bf Arithmetization of Metamathematics in a General Setting}
\author{S. Feferman\thank{The results reported in this paper were obtained while the author was a student of Professor Alfred Tarski at the University of California, Berkeley. A more complete presentation of them has been given in the author's thesis [4]; announcement of the results has also been made in [5] and [6]. 
\par  We also indebted to Professor Alfred Tarski for a numlber of helpful suggestions regarding this research; as well as to Professor Leon Henkin for his kind guidance durihg the period 19155-56 while Professor Alfred Tarski was on leave. We wish also to thank Professors Jolm Myhill and Georg Kreisel, both for a number of stimulating conversations, and also the latter for his helpful comments on a draft of this paper. 
\par Finally,thanks are due to Professor Steven Orey for his interest in widening the range of application of our work, as will be evidenced at various points in the text.
\par This paper was prepared under Contract DA-04-200-0RD-997 for the Office of Ordnance research, U.S.A.}\\ Stanford, California}


The method of arithmetization







\patchcmd{\@maketitle}{\LARGE \@title \par}{\LARGE\bfseries \@title \par}{}{}

\title{Arithmetization of Metamathematics in a General Setting}

\author{S. Feferman\thanks{The results reported in this paper were
obtained while the author was a student of Professor Alfred Tarski at
the University of California, Berkeley. A more complete presentation
of them has been given in the author's thesis [4]; announcement of the
results has also been made in [5] and [6].
\endgraf We also indebted to Professor Alfred Tarski for a numlber of
helpful suggestions regarding this research; as well as to Professor
Leon Henkin for his kind guidance durihg the period 19155-56 while
Professor Alfred Tarski was on leave. We wish also to thank Professors
Jolm Myhill and Georg Kreisel, both for a number of stimulating
conversations, and also the latter for his helpful comments on a draft
of this paper.
\endgraf Finally, thanks are due to Professor Steven Orey for his
interest in widening the range of application of our work, as will be
evidenced at various points in the text.
\endgraf This paper was prepared under Contract DA-04-200-0RD-997 for
the Office of Ordnance research, U.S.A.}\\ Stanford, California}





The method of arithmetization\dots


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