从http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/the-3dplot-package/我正在尝试使用 tikz 在球坐标中绘制微分体积元素。我不知道如何绘制两个平面 \phi 和 \phi + d \phi 之间的四个圆弧
%Angle Definitions
\coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
%draw figure contents
%draw the main coordinate system axes
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[anchor=north east]{$x$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[anchor=north west]{$y$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[anchor=south]{$z$};
%draw a line from origin to point (P)
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (P)
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (P2);
\draw[color=red] (O) -- (P3);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (Pxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (P) -- (Pxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (P2xy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (P2) -- (P2xy);
%draw a line from origin to point (Q)
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (Q);
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (Q2);
\draw[color=red] (O) -- (Q3);
%\draw[,color=red] (P) -- (P1) --(P2) --(P3)--(P);
%draw projection on xy plane, and a connecting line
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (Qxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (Q) -- (Qxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (Q2xy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (Q2) -- (Q2xy);
\draw (Pxy) -- (Qxy);
\tdplotdrawarc[tdplot_rotated_coords]{(0,0,0)}{0.5}{0}{\thetavec}{anchor=south west}{$\theta$}
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\rvec);
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\Rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\Rvec);
\draw[tdplot_rotated_coords,blue,fill=blue!30] (P) -- (P1) arc (\thetavec:\Thetavec:\Rvec) -- (P3) arc (\Thetavec:\thetavec:\rvec);
\draw[dashed] (\rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\rvec);
\draw[dashed] (\Rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\Rvec);
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\rvec);
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\Rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\Rvec);
\draw[tdplot_rotated_coords,blue,fill=blue!30,opacity=0.3] (Q) -- (Q1) arc (\thetavec:\Thetavec:\Rvec) -- (Q3) arc (\Thetavec:\thetavec:\rvec);
\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} % generates a tightly fitting border around the work
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/375604/121799
%along x axis
\define@key{x sphericalkeys}{radius}{\def\myradius{#1}}
\define@key{x sphericalkeys}{theta}{\def\mytheta{#1}}
\define@key{x sphericalkeys}{phi}{\def\myphi{#1}}
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{x spherical}{% %%%rotation around x
\setkeys{x sphericalkeys}{#1}%
%along y axis
\define@key{y sphericalkeys}{radius}{\def\myradius{#1}}
\define@key{y sphericalkeys}{theta}{\def\mytheta{#1}}
\define@key{y sphericalkeys}{phi}{\def\myphi{#1}}
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{y spherical}{% %%%rotation around x
\setkeys{y sphericalkeys}{#1}%
%along z axis
\define@key{z sphericalkeys}{radius}{\def\myradius{#1}}
\define@key{z sphericalkeys}{theta}{\def\mytheta{#1}}
\define@key{z sphericalkeys}{phi}{\def\myphi{#1}}
\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{z spherical}{% %%%rotation around x
\setkeys{z sphericalkeys}{#1}%
% \tikzset{declare function={myx(x,y,z)=\x*sin(\y)*}}
% {{Cos[x]*Cos[y], Cos[y]*Sin[x],
% Sin[y]}, {-(Cos[z]*Sin[x]) -
% Cos[x]*Sin[y]*Sin[z],
% Cos[x]*Cos[z] - Sin[x]*Sin[y]*
% Sin[z], Cos[y]*Sin[z]},
% {-(Cos[x]*Cos[z]*Sin[y]) +
% Sin[x]*Sin[z],
% -(Cos[z]*Sin[x]*Sin[y]) -
% Cos[x]*Sin[z], Cos[y]*Cos[z]}}
\coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
%draw figure contents
%draw the main coordinate system axes
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[anchor=north east]{$x$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[anchor=north west]{$y$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[anchor=south]{$z$};
%draw a line from origin to point (P)
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (P)
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (P2);
\draw[color=red] (O) -- (P3);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (Pxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (P) -- (Pxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (P2xy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (P2) -- (P2xy);
%draw a line from origin to point (Q)
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (Q);
\draw[,color=red] (O) -- (Q2);
\draw[color=red] (O) -- (Q3);
%\draw[,color=red] (P) -- (P1) --(P2) --(P3)--(P);
%draw projection on xy plane, and a connecting line
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (Qxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (Q) -- (Qxy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (O) -- (Q2xy);
\draw[dashed, color=red] (Q2) -- (Q2xy);
\draw (Pxy) -- (Qxy);
% \begin{scope}[tdplot_rotated_coords]
% % Uncomment these lines if you want to know where x', y' and z' point to
% \draw[-latex,blue] (-1.5,0,0) -- (1.5,0,0) node[above right] {$x'$};
% \draw[-latex,blue] (0,-1.5,0) -- (0,1.5,0) node[below] {$y'$};
% \draw[-latex,blue] (0,0,-1.5) -- (0,0,1.5) node[above left] {$z'$};
% \end{scope}
\tdplotdrawarc[tdplot_rotated_coords]{(0,0,0)}{0.5}{0}{\thetavec}{anchor=south west}{$\theta$}
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\rvec);
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\Rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\Rvec);
\draw[dashed] (\rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\rvec);
\draw[dashed] (\Rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\Rvec);
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\rvec);
\draw[dashed,tdplot_rotated_coords] (\Rvec,0,0) arc (0:90:\Rvec);
\draw[blue,fill=blue!30,opacity=0.3] plot[variable=\x,domain=\thetavec:\Thetavec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \rvec, phi = \Phivec, theta= \x)
-- plot[variable=\x,domain=\Phivec:\phivec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \rvec, phi = \x, theta= \Thetavec)
-- plot[variable=\x,domain=\Thetavec:\thetavec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \rvec, phi = \phivec, theta= \x)
-- plot[variable=\x,domain=\phivec:\Phivec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \rvec, phi = \x, theta= \thetavec);
\draw[blue,fill=blue!30] plot[variable=\x,domain=\thetavec:\Thetavec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = \Phivec, theta= \x)
-- plot[variable=\x,domain=\Phivec:\phivec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = \x, theta= \Thetavec)
-- plot[variable=\x,domain=\Thetavec:\thetavec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = \phivec, theta= \x)
-- plot[variable=\x,domain=\phivec:\Phivec]
(z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = \x, theta= \thetavec);
% if you want to convince yourself that this works:
% \draw[blue,fill=red!30] plot[variable=\x,domain=80:40]
% (z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = 20, theta= \x)
% -- plot[variable=\x,domain=20:60]
% (z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = \x, theta= 40)
% -- plot[variable=\x,domain=40:80]
% (z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = 60, theta= \x)
% -- plot[variable=\x,domain=60:20]
% (z spherical cs: radius = \Rvec, phi = \x, theta= 80);
\usetikzlibrary[shapes.arrows, patterns]
\begin{axis}[axis line style={draw=none},
%trig format plots=rad,
%trig format plots=deg,
% compute \phi as pi/4-pi/6
% set phis and thetas
% equation of sphere
% (cos theta sin phi, sin theta sin phi, cos phi)
% four radia below
\addplot3[black,domain=0:1,samples=2,samples y=0, dotted]
\addplot3[black,domain=0:1,samples=2,samples y=0, dotted]
\addplot3[black,domain=0:1,samples=2,samples y=0, dotted]
\addplot3[black,domain=0:1,samples=2,samples y=0, dotted]
% four radia above
\addplot3[black,domain=1:2,samples=2,samples y=0, line width=0.2 ]
node[left, yshift=-4mm, scale=0.8, xshift=-1mm, rotate=-10] {$\Delta r$};
% indicators of extend of the radius
\addplot3[black,domain=1:1.2,samples=2,samples y=0, line width=0.2 ]
\addplot3[black,domain=1.5:1.9,samples=2,samples y=0, line width=0.2 ]
\addplot3[black,domain=1:2,samples=2,samples y=0, line width=0.1, dashed ]
\addplot3[black,domain=1:2,samples=2,samples y=0 , line width=0.2]
\addplot3[black,domain=1:2,samples=2,samples y=0 , line width=0.2]
%concha esferica superior
\addplot3[surf,domain=\thetal:\thetah,y domain =\phil:\phih, samples=5,
samples y=5, opacity=0.6, colormap/greenyellow ]
% left side
\addplot3[surf,domain=1:2,y domain =\phil:\phih, samples=5,
samples y=5, opacity=0.3, colormap/greenyellow ]
% front side
%\addplot3[surf,domain=1:2,y domain =\thetal:\thetah, samples=5,
% samples y=5, opacity=0.3, colormap/greenyellow ]
% back side
\addplot3[surf,domain=1:2,y domain =\thetal:\thetah, samples=5,
samples y=5, opacity=0.3, colormap/greenyellow ]
% point on z is $(0,0, r \cos \phil)$,
\coordinate (Z) at (0, 0, {cos(\phil)});
% back long arc to plane XY
\addplot3[black,domain=\phih:90,samples=20,samples y=0 , dotted]
% front long arc to plane XY
\addplot3[black,domain=\phih:90,samples=20,samples y=0 , dotted]
% back short arc to plane XY
\addplot3[black,domain=\phih:90,samples=20,samples y=0 , dotted]
% front short arc to plane XY
\addplot3[black,domain=\phih:90,samples=20,samples y=0 , dotted]
% arc to plane XY
\addplot3[black,domain=\thetal:\thetah,samples=20,samples y=0 , dotted]
\coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate (A1) at ({2*cos(\thetal)}, {2*sin(\thetal)}, 0);
\draw[dotted] (O)--(A1);
\coordinate (A2) at ({2*cos(\thetah)}, {2*sin(\thetah)}, 0);
\draw[dotted] (O)--(A2);
% angle \theta
\addplot3[black,domain=\thetal:\thetah,samples=20,samples y=0 , -latex]
node[above, xshift=-5mm, yshift=-1mm, scale=0.8] {\footnotesize $\Delta \theta$};
% angle \phi
\addplot3[black,domain=\phil:\phih,samples=20,samples y=0 , -latex]
node[above, xshift=-2mm, yshift=-2mm, scale=0.6] {\footnotesize $\Delta \phi$};
{\draw[color=black,thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (2.0,0,0)
node[anchor=north east]{$x$};}% x-axis
{\draw[color=black,thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,1.5,0)
node[anchor=north west]{$y$};}% y-axis
{\draw[color=black,thick,-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2.5)
node[anchor=south]{$z$};}% z-axis
%{\draw[color=black,thick,dotted] (0,0,0) -- (-2.5,0,0);}
%{\draw[color=black,thick,dotted] (0,0,0) -- (0,-1.5,0);}
%{\draw[color=black,thick,dotted] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,-0.5);}