LaTeX 表未定义控制序列

LaTeX 表未定义控制序列



\newacronym{mno}{MNO}{Mobile Network Operator}
\newacronym{sdn}{SDN}{Software Defined Networking}
\newacronym{nfv}{NFV}{Network Function Virtualization}
\newacronym{vnf}{VNF}{Virtualized Network Function}
\newacronym{nve}{NVE}{Network Virtualization Environment}
\caption{\gls{sdn} and \gls{nfv} multitenant environment fault management issues and consequences}

\multicolumn{1}{l|}{}                                           & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{ISSUES}}                     & \textbf{\gls{sdn}?} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{\gls{nfv}?}} & \textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Multi-\\ tenant?\end{tabular}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{CONSEQUENCES}}                               \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{3}{*}{\textbf{Scalability}}}     & 1) Huge requests to the \gls{sdn} controller             & \checkmark    &             & Limited \gls{sdn} controller capacity  \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 2) Huge number of faults and alarms                      & \checkmark    &    \checkmark                      & \checkmark                                                        & Alarms correlation and fault detection                                                    \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 3) A growing number of tenants and resources affectation &               &                                    &  \checkmark                                                       & Optimization of  resources allocation                                    \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{3}{*}{\textbf{Topology}}}        & 4) Dynamic topology                                      &               &                                    &                                                                   & Difficulty of modeling the network topology                              \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 5) Coexistence of Physical and virtual entities          &  \checkmark   &  \checkmark                        &  \checkmark                                                       & Virtual and physical faults dependencies                                 \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 6) Multi-tenants                                         &               &                                    &  \checkmark                                                       & Lack of network visibility                                               \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Security}}}        & 7) Attack on switches or controllers or control plane    & \checkmark    &                                    &                                                                   & Whole network disruption                                                 \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 8) Multi-tenant sharing the same infrastructure          &               &                                    &  \checkmark                                                       & Multi-tenants traffic isolation                                          \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{5}{*}{\textbf{Fault Tolerance}}} & 9) A single \gls{sdn} controller a single point of failure     & \checkmark    &                                    &                                                                   & \gls{sdn} controller failure implies the,whole network failure                 \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 10) Link failure                                         & \checkmark    &  \checkmark                        &                                                                   & Loss of network connection                                               \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 11) End to End service chain crash                       &               &  \checkmark                        &                                                                   & Rapid detection and recovery actions for clients services                \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 12) Physical and virtual faults                          & \checkmark    &  \checkmark                        &                                                                   & A physical failure may impact multiple virtual entities                  \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 13) Multi-tenants faults                                 &               &                                    & \checkmark                                                        & The necessity of tenants faults isolation and notification               \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\multirow{3}{*}{\textbf{Performance}}}     & 14) \gls{sdn} controller and switch performance                &\checkmark     &                                    &                                                                   & Choose the best network configurations to have a high network resilience \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 15) Running environments                                 &               &\checkmark                          &                                                                   & The performance of the \gls{vnf} depends on the running environment            \\ \cline{2-6} 
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{}                                          & 16) Migration of tenants applications or \gls{vnf}       &               & \checkmark                         &  \checkmark                                                       & Keep the same performance while migrating a tenant application or a \gls{vnf}  \\ \hline 



如您所见,错误不是缺少包或首字母缩略词(至少我认为是这样),尝试使用 sharelatex 或 overleaf 会返回错误:

./main.tex:42: Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ... \gls {sdn} controller & \checkmark 
                                                  & & Limited \gls {sdn} con...
l.42 }





由于您的表格很宽,我建议不要使用,resizebox因为它会导致字体大小小且不一致,难以辨认。在以下 MWE 中,我更改了表格的总体布局,使其适合一页。



\newacronym{mno}{MNO}{Mobile Network Operator}
\newacronym{sdn}{SDN}{Software Defined Networking}
\newacronym{nfv}{NFV}{Network Function Virtualization}
\newacronym{vnf}{VNF}{Virtualized Network Function}
\newacronym{nve}{NVE}{Network Virtualization Environment}

\caption{\gls{sdn} and \gls{nfv} multitenant environment fault management issues and consequences}
  & \multicolumn{2}{l}{ISSUES}  & \gls{sdn}? & \gls{nfv}? & \makecell{Multi-\\tenant?} & CONSEQUENCES  \\
\multirow{7}{*}{\rothead[c]{Scalability}}    & 1)& Huge requests to the \gls{sdn} controller             & \checkmark    &             & \tnote{*}  \\ 
& 2) & Huge number of faults and alarms     & \checkmark    &    \checkmark                      & \checkmark            & Alarms correlation and fault detection                                                    \\
& 3) & A growing number of tenants and resources affectation &               &                                    &  \checkmark   & Optimization of  resources allocation   \\ 
\multirow{6}{*}{\rothead[c]{Topology}}        & 4)& Dynamic topology                                      &               &                                    &                                                                   & Difficulty of modeling the network topology                              \\  
 & 5) & Coexistence of Physical and virtual entities          &  \checkmark   &  \checkmark                        &  \checkmark                                                       & Virtual and physical faults dependencies                                 \\  
& 6) & Multi-tenants                                         &               &                                    &  \checkmark                                                       & Lack of network visibility                                               \\ 
\multirow{6}{*}{\rothead[c]{Security}}       & 7)& Attack on switches or controllers or control plane    & \checkmark    &                                    &                                                                   & Whole network disruption                                                 \\  
& 8)& Multi-tenant sharing the same infrastructure          &               &                                    &  \checkmark                                                       & Multi-tenants traffic isolation                                          \\ \hline
\multirow{10}{*}{\rothead[c]{Fault Tolerance}} & 9)& A single \gls{sdn} controller a single point of failure     & \checkmark    &                                    &                                                                   & \gls{sdn} controller failure implies the,whole network failure                 \\  
& 10)& Link failure                                         & \checkmark    &  \checkmark                        &                                                                   & Loss of network connection                                               \\  
& 11) & End to End service chain crash                       &               &  \checkmark                        &                                                                   & Rapid detection and recovery actions for clients services                \\  
& 12) & Physical and virtual faults                          & \checkmark    &  \checkmark                        &                                                                   & A physical failure may impact multiple virtual entities                  \\  
& 13) & Multi-tenants faults                                 &               &                                    & \checkmark                                                        & The necessity of tenants faults isolation and notification               \\
\multirow{9}{*}{\rothead[c]{Performance}}     & 14)& \gls{sdn} controller and switch performance                &\checkmark     &                                    &                                                                   & Choose the best network configurations to have a high network resilience \\
& 15) & Running environments                                 &               &\checkmark                          &                                                                   & The performance of the \gls{vnf} depends on the running environment            \\ 
& 16)& Migration of tenants applications or \gls{vnf}       &               & \checkmark                         &  \checkmark                                                       & Keep the same performance while migrating a tenant application or a \gls{vnf}  \\ 
\item[*] Limited \gls{sdn} controller capacity




  • 删除列标题中的粗体。
  • 从包中的规则中删除了所有垂直线并替换了水平线,booktabs并在其周围添加了适当的空白。
  • 旋转第一列的内容(代码\rothead取自此处:
  • 用于threeparttable将“多租户”列中的长文本放入表格注释中。
  • 减少了包含列的复选标记之间的距离,以节省一些水平空间。
  • 添加了包含数字的新第二列。这样,相应文本的第二行及后续行将自动缩进。
  • 对“问题”列使用固定宽度且右对齐的列,以便实现自动换行。
  • X从包中使用灵活宽度的列tabularx,以使表格与文本宽度一样宽。
  • 将复选标记水平居中放置在其对应的列中。
  • 在列的上方和下方添加了一些额外的垂直空白以引导读者的视线。
  • ...


这里有一个解决方案,它 (a) 以横向格式呈现表格,并且 (b) 允许在两列中自动换行,从而避免使用\resizebox。还请注意,我简化了第一列中的材料,主要是通过获取\multirow“包装器”。(哦,一定要确保amssymb包已加载,以访问\checkmark宏。)


\usepackage{geometry} % set page parameters suitably

\newacronym{mno}{MNO}{Mobile Network Operator}
\newacronym{sdn}{SDN}{Software Defined Networking}
\newacronym{nfv}{NFV}{Network Function Virtualization}
\newacronym{vnf}{VNF}{Virtualized Network Function}
\newacronym{nve}{NVE}{Network Virtualization Environment}


\caption{\gls{sdn} and \gls{nfv} multitenant 
environment fault management issues and consequences}

\small % 10% linear reduction in font size
\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt} % default: 6pt

\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \textbf{Issues} 
 & \textbf{\gls{sdn}?} & \textbf{\gls{nfv}?} 
 & \textbf{Multi-tenant?} & \textbf{Consequences} 
\\ \hline
 & 1) Huge requests to the \gls{sdn} controller 
 & \checkmark & & & 
 Limited \gls{sdn} controller capacity  
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 2) Huge number of faults and alarms 
 & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark 
 & Alarms correlation and fault detection 
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 3) A growing number of tenants and resources 
 & & & \checkmark 
 & Optimization of resources allocation 
\\ \hline
 & 4) Dynamic topology 
 & & & 
 & Difficulty of modeling the network topology 
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 5) Coexistence of Physical and virtual entities 
 & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark 
 & Virtual and physical faults dependencies 
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 6) Multi-tenants 
 & & & \checkmark 
 & Lack of network visibility 
\\ \hline
 & 7) Attack on switches or controllers or control plane 
 & \checkmark & & 
 & Whole network disruption 
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 8) Multi-tenant sharing the same infrastructure 
 & & & \checkmark
 & Multi-tenants traffic isolation 
\\ \hline
Fault Tolerance 
 & 9) A single \gls{sdn} controller a single point of failure
 & \checkmark & & 
 & \gls{sdn} controller failure implies the whole network failure
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 10) Link failure 
 & \checkmark & \checkmark & 
 & Loss of network connection
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 11) End to End service chain crash
 & & \checkmark & 
 & Rapid detection and recovery actions for clients services
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 12) Physical and virtual faults 
 & \checkmark & \checkmark & 
 & A physical failure may impact multiple virtual entities
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 13) Multi-tenants faults
 & & & \checkmark 
 & The necessity of tenants faults isolation and notification
\\ \hline
 & 14) \gls{sdn} controller and switch performance 
 &\checkmark & & 
 & Choose the best network configurations to have a high network resilience 
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 15) Running environments
 & & \checkmark & 
 & The performance of the \gls{vnf} depends on the running environment
\\ \cline{2-6} 
 & 16) Migration of tenants applications or \gls{vnf} 
 & & \checkmark & \checkmark
 & Keep the same performance while migrating a tenant application or a \gls{vnf} 
\\ \hline 

