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Layer     & T(°C) & $\mathrm{B(S^{-1}MPa^{-1})}$ & n    \\ \hline
TBC      & 1000  & 1.8e-7              & 1    \\ \hline
TGO       & 1000  & 7.3e-4              & 1    \\ \hline
BC        & 600   & 6.54e-19            & 4.57 \\ \hline
          & 700   & 2.2e-12             & 2.99 \\ \hline
          & 800   & 1.84e-7             & 1.55 \\ \hline
          & 850   & 2.15e-8             & 2.45 \\ \hline
Substrate & 10    & 4.85e-36            & 1    \\ \hline
          & 1200  & 2.25e-9             & 3    \\ \hline
\caption{Creep properties of TBC system}

    \begin{tabular}{|*{5}{c|}}  % repeats {c|} 18 times
    \multirow{3}*{Specimen type} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Bond coat type} \\ \cline{2-5}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{LCO22} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{PWA 286} \\ \cline{2-5}
    & hole diameter (mm) & Angle & hole diameter (mm) & Angle\\ \hline
    \multirow{2}*{Flash lamp, percussion} & 0.5 & 90 & 0.5 & 90 \\ \cline{2-5}
    & 0.5 & 30 & 0.5 & 30 \\    
    Fiber, trepanation & 0.5 & 30 & 0.5 & 30  \\
    Fiber, percussion & 0.5 & 30 & 0.5 & 30 \\ \hline
    \caption{Test matrix for cyclic oxidation tests.}

Crack length &  Test coloumn1 & Test coloumn2 & Test coloumn3 & Test coloumn4 & Test coloumn5  & Test coloumn6 & Test coloumn7 \\ \hline
TBC          & 37 $\pm$ 31                  & 103 $\pm$ 94                 & 142 $\pm$ 70                 & 337 $\pm$ 436                 &94 $\pm$ 74  & 100 $\pm$ 107& 41 $\pm$ 33  \\ \hline
BC-Sub int.   & 71 $\pm$ 15                  & 138 $\pm$ 42                 & 156 $\pm$ 7                 & 400 $\pm$ 50                 &47 $\pm$ 22  &136 $\pm$ 35 & 20 $\pm$ 10  \\ \hline
Substrate    & 42 $\pm$ 9                  & 52 $\pm$ 5                  & 58 $\pm$ 22                  & 91                  & 78 $\pm$ 12 &50 $\pm$ 26& 0 \\ \hline
\caption{Measurement of averaged crack length in TBC layer, at BC/substrate interface (shown as BC-Sub int.), and in substrate.}

Recast thickness & Test coloumn1 & Test coloumn2 & Test coloumn3 & Test coloumn4 & Test coloumn5  & Test coloumn6 & Test coloumn7 \\ \hline
TBC recast          & 19 $\pm$ 8                  & 83 $\pm$ 46                 & 56 $\pm$ 17                 & 77 $\pm$ 24                 & 35 $\pm$ 12  & 33 $\pm$ 12 & 33 $\pm$ 19  \\ \hline
BC-Sub recast   & 23 $\pm$ 8                  & 27 $\pm$ 10                 & 46 $\pm$ 20                 & 60 $\pm$ 21                 &29 $\pm$ 20  & 20 $\pm$ 13 & 0  \\ \hline
\caption{Measured averaged thickness of TBC and BC/substrate recast layers}





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\abovecaptionskip2em % some space between tables for the MWE only
\caption{Creep properties of TBC system}
Layer       & T(°C) & \hfil$\mathrm{B(S^{-1}MPa^{-1})}$ & n \\\midrule 
TBC         & 1000  & 1.8e-7    & 1 \\ 
TGO         & 1000  & 7.3e-4    & 1 \\ 
BC          & 600   & 6.54e-19  & 4.57 \\ 
            & 700   & 2.2e-12   & 2.99 \\ 
            & 800   & 1.84e-7   & 1.55 \\ 
            & 850   & 2.15e-8   & 2.45 \\ 
Substrate   & 10    & 4.85e-36  & 1 \\ 
            & 1200  & 2.25e-9   & 3 \\\bottomrule 

 \caption{Test matrix for cyclic oxidation tests.}
 \multirowcell{3}{Specimen\\type}   & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Bond coat type} \\ \cmidrule{2-5}
    & \multicolumn{2}{c}{LCO22} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{PWA 286} \\
    & hole diameter (mm)    & Angle & hole diameter (mm)    & Angle\\ 
 \multirowcell{2}{Flash lamp,\\percussion}  & 0.5   & 90    & 0.5   & 90 \\ \cmidrule{2-5} % ??????
    & 0.5   & 30    & 0.5   & 30 \\ 

 Fiber, trepanation & 0.5   & 30    & 0.5   & 30 \\

 Fiber, percussion  & 0.5   & 30    & 0.5   & 30 \\\bottomrule 

\caption{Measurement of averaged crack length in TBC layer, at BC/substrate interface (shown as BC-Sub int.), and in substrate.}
Crack length    & Test column1  & Test column2  & Test column3  & Test column4  & Test column5  & Test column6  & Test column7 \\\midrule 
TBC         & $37\pm31$     & $103\pm94$    & $142\pm70$    & $337\pm436$   & $94\pm74$ & $100\pm107$   & $41\pm33$ \\ 
BC-Sub int. & $71\pm15$     & $138\pm42$    & $156\pm7$     & $400\pm50$    & $47\pm22$ & $136\pm35$    & $20\pm10$ \\ 
Substrate   & $42\pm9$      & $5\pm5$       & $58\pm22$     & 91            & $78\pm12$ & $50\pm26$     & 0 \\\bottomrule 

\caption{Measured averaged thickness of TBC and BC/substrate recast layers}

Recast thickness    & \ch{Test column1} & \ch{Test column2} & \ch{Test column3} & \ch{Test column4} & \ch{Test column5} & \ch{Test column6} & \ch{Test column7} \\\midrule 
TBC recast      & 19\pm8    & 83\pm46   & 56\pm17   & 77\pm24   & 35\pm12   & 33\pm12   & 33\pm19 \\ 
BC-Sub recast   & 23\pm8    & 27\pm10   & 46\pm20   & 60\pm21   & 29\pm20   & 20\pm13   & 0 \\\bottomrule 

