为装饰添加垂直移位(跟进 Q18617)

为装饰添加垂直移位(跟进 Q18617)

我正在研究@Caramdir 的回答TikZ:仅绘制给定路径的某个中心长度



% A simple empty decoration, that is used to ignore the last bit of the path                                                                  

                     % Declare the actual decoration.                                                                                         
                         width={(\pgfmetadecoratedpathlength - \the\pgfdecorationsegmentlength)/2},
                         next state=middle

                               next state=final


% Create a key for easy access to the decoration (as suggested by Jake).                                                 
\tikzset{middle segment/.style={decoration={middle},decorate, segment length=#1}}
     \fill (0,0) circle;
     \fill (4,2) circle;
     \draw[middle segment=2cm, double, red, ->] (0,0) to[bend right =20] (4,1);


您可以简单地使用 calc 库来移动路径。


% A simple empty decoration, that is used to ignore the last bit of the path                                                                  

                     % Declare the actual decoration.                                                                                         
                         width={(\pgfmetadecoratedpathlength - \the\pgfdecorationsegmentlength)/2},
                         next state=middle

                               next state=final


% Create a key for easy access to the decoration (as suggested by Jake).                                                 
\tikzset{middle segment/.style={decoration={middle},decorate, segment length=#1}}
     \fill (0,0) circle;
     \fill (4,2) circle;
     \draw[middle segment=2cm, red, ->] (0,0) to[bend right =20] (4,1);
     \draw[middle segment=2cm, red, ->] ($(0,0)!1cm!90:(4,1)$) to[bend right =20] 
