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\section{Loads on bus structure}
\subsection{Wind Loads}
\subsubsection{Wind load from IEEE Std 605, Section 11.2}

In the case of extreme wind speed (without ice), the wind load by unit length on a conductor (or a slender structure such as support or isolator) is given as follows:
\begin{flalign} \tag{8}
F_{W} = C V^{2} D_{o} C_{f} K_{Z} G_{f} I
where \\

F_{W} & \mbox{  is the wind load by unit length, [lbf/in]} \\
C & \mbox{  is a constant, (British: 2.132 \(\times\) 10\textsuperscript{-4})} \\
V & \mbox{  is the extreme wind speed without ice, [mi/h]} \\
D_{o} & \mbox{  is the conductor outside diameter or the height of the profile used as conductor, [in]}\\
C_{f} & \mbox{  is the force coefficient} \\
K_{Z} & \mbox{  is the height and exposure factor} \\
G_{f} & \mbox{  is the gust response factor} \\
I & \mbox{  is the importance of the structure}

In the case of high wind with ice, the wind load by unit length on a conductor is given as follows:
\begin{flalign} \tag{9}
F_{WI} = C V^{2}_{I} (D_{o} + 2r_{I}) C_{f} K_{Z} G_{f} I
where \\

F_{WI} & \mbox{ is the wind load with ice by unit length, [lbf/in]} \\
V_{I} & \mbox{  is the high wind speed with ice, [mi/h]} \\
r_{I} & \mbox{  is the equivalent uniform radial thicknesses of ice due to freezing rain, [in]} \\
G_{f} & \mbox{  is the gust response factor which is equal to 1.0 for ice and concurrent wind} \\




以下 MWE 包含两种不同的可能性。第一种使用tabular并自动将第一列设置为数学模式,而第二种是普通文本。第二种变体使用环境description


\section{Loads on bus structure}
\subsection{Wind Loads}
\subsubsection{Wind load from IEEE Std 605, Section 11.2}

In the case of extreme wind speed (without ice), the wind load by unit length on a conductor (or a slender structure such as support or isolator) is given as follows:
\begin{flalign} \tag{8}
F_{W} = C V^{2} D_{o} C_{f} K_{Z} G_{f} I

F_{W} &   is the wind load by unit length, [lbf/in] \\
C &   is a constant, (British: 2.132 \(\times\) 10\textsuperscript{-4}) \\
V &   is the extreme wind speed without ice, [mi/h] \\
D_{o} &   is the conductor outside diameter or the height of the profile used as conductor, [in]\\
C_{f} &   is the force coefficient \\
K_{Z} &  is the height and exposure factor \\
G_{f} &  is the gust response factor \\
I &  is the importance of the structure

In the case of high wind with ice, the wind load by unit length on a conductor is given as follows:
\begin{flalign} \tag{9}
F_{WI} = C V^{2}_{I} (D_{o} + 2r_{I}) C_{f} K_{Z} G_{f} I

\item[$F_{WI}$]  is the wind load with ice by unit length, [lbf/in] 
\item[$V_{I}$]   is the high wind speed with ice, [mi/h] 
\item[$r_{I}$]   is the equivalent uniform radial thicknesses of ice due to freezing rain, [in] 
\item[$G_{f}$]  is the gust response factor which is equal to 1.0 for ice and concurrent wind 


