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\huge{\textbf{A Ph.D. Thesis:\\ University of KwaZulu-Natal\\ School of Accounting, Economics and Finance\\ Department of Economics }}\\[3mm]
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Supervisor Dr. Claire Vermaak\\
\date {\today}
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%\chapter{Background and Justification}
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\section{Background and Justifications}
\subsection{Introduction:Why Multidimensional Poverty Index(MPI)?}
There is a synchronization of thoughts in broad literature in the study of well-being and/or poverty measurement study and analysis practice that well-being is multidimensional and the overlapping deprivation and destitution that a poor person suffer should be studied in a multidimensional perspective(Alkire and Foster, 2011; Alkire et al.,2015; Sen, 1985; Atkinson, 2003; Ferreira and Lugo, 2013.\\
According to Decancq et al.,(2014), even those that are suitably deflated prices for temporal and geographical differences in the uni-dimensional poverty measurement approach using income or consumption do not qualify as good proxies for two main reasons. They argue that individuals may suffer from rationing since private goods market as well as labor markets may fail to be competitive. Moreover, some essential social and public goods such as education, health, and security services may not be private and marketable. \\