使用自定义连字命令时,\ifthenelse 中的 camelCase 连字

使用自定义连字命令时,\ifthenelse 中的 camelCase 连字

在编写软件文档时,需要一条命令来自动将大写字母中的 camelCase 单词连字符连接起来,例如 camel-Case。此外,这些 camelCase 单词会排版为特定颜色。@David Carlisle 提供了解决方案这里通过命令\zzz{camelCase}

但是,有些 camelCase 变量仅供内部使用。为此,有一个标志定义为


在配置文件中。在另一篇帖子@Steven B. Segletes 引入了一个新命令\zzzconditional,当为假时,变量就会消失\internal

现在到了压轴戏 =) 我的文档中有很多段落包含\zzzconditional命令,但也仅供内部使用,例如

    Here is a paragraph for internal use which will only appear when the \textbackslash internal flag is set to TRUE. But I also refer to a camelCase variable \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} using the aforementioned command.%

不幸的是,~ 中定义的自定义连字符\zzzconditional在此上下文中不起作用。更准确地说,~ 连字符会完全断开,从而导致行过满(参见 MWE)。


下列平均能量损失由一个主文件组成,该文件通过命令加载另一个文件 codeInput.tex \input。以下是 MWE 主文件的代码:


% --------------------------------------------
% Definition of \zzz for text formatting and hyphenation
% --------------------------------------------

    \zzelt A\zzelt B\zzelt C\zzelt D\zzelt E\zzelt F\zzelt G\zzelt H\zzelt I\zzelt J\zzelt
    K\zzelt L\zzelt M\zzelt N\zzelt O\zzelt P\zzelt Q\zzelt R\zzelt S\zzelt T\zzelt U\zzelt V\zzelt W\zzelt X\zzelt
    Y\zzelt Z}


% --------------------------------------------
% Flag to set internal version of document
% --------------------------------------------

% --------------------------------------------
% Definition of \zzzconditional which should work like \zzz, but only print to document if interal flag is TRUE
% --------------------------------------------
% helper command
% command


    Here is an example of how \textbackslash zzz\{\} hyphenates camelCase words. A variable \zzz{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} is hyphenated at capital letters thanks to the amazing support here on StackExchange.

    Now here is an example of \textbackslash zzzconditional\{\}'s hyphenation. A variable \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} is hyphenated at capital letters. %
    % +++++ internal flag set to false +++++
    % ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Having set the \textbackslash internal flag to false, the variable \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} will disappear. Look at the tex code of this example to see that \textbackslash zzzconditional\{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar\} was used in the previous sentence.

    % +++++ internal flag set to true +++++
    % +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        Here is a paragraph which appears only when the \textbackslash internal flag is true. However, inside this \textbackslash ifthenelse\{\}\{\}\{\} construct the hypenation in \textbackslash zzzconditional\{\} is broken. Instead it will result in an overfull line. This is shown in the following example \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar}.%

        The issue issue also persists if I use the command \textbackslash zzz\{\}, for example \zzz{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar}. So the core issue does not seem to be with \textbackslash zzzconditional\{\}.%



以下是外部文件 codeInput.tex 的代码:

However,~if I use \textbackslash ifthenelse in the main document to \textbackslash input the text from an external file codeInput.tex,~\textbackslash zzzconditional will work. Look at this variable \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} for example. Unfortunately this workaround is not feasible in the scope of my document\footnote{Large software documentation with so many internal paragraphs that is not practical to create an individual file for loading each one.}.

这是编译后的MWE: 在此处输入图片描述




\newif\ifFoo% initializing
\Footrue% set it true
\Foofalse% set it false
  <True case>
  <False case>

%% Usage with a primitive wrapper (no catcode changes in arguments possible)
    \csname if#1\endcsname
\myif{Foo}{<True case>}{<False case>}


\ifbool{Foo}{<True case>}{<False case>}


\iftoggle{Foo}{<True case>}{<False case>}

\newtoggle和之间有细微的差别\newbool。后者\newif在内部使用,并且实际上每个 bool 需要三个宏:\ifFoo\Footrue\Foofalse。切换方法在内部是不同的。我不知道一种方法是否比另一种方法有明显的优势。


如果任何输入需要更改 catcode(如逐字读取内容),您实际上只能使用第一种方法,即使用普通样式,因为参数是读取的,因此任何类别更改都不适用于已经标记化的输入。使用 可能是一种可能的解决方案\scantokens,但在我看来,这又过于复杂了。


正如在接受的答案下方的评论中所承诺的那样,这是我在 MWE 中实现的解决方案。我基本上引入了一个自定义条件,如下所述此链接。然后我\ifthenelse用constructs替换了文档主体中的constructs \ifflagInternal

我也尝试\ifthenelse在 的定义中替换\zzzconditional,但出于某种原因,它无法与 一起使用\ifflagInternal。这只是供您参考,无需解决方案。现在一切都按预期运行 =)

@Skillmon 发布的 MWE 代码及解决方案的实现:


% --------------------------------------------
% Definition of \zzz for text formatting and hyphenation
% --------------------------------------------

    \zzelt A\zzelt B\zzelt C\zzelt D\zzelt E\zzelt F\zzelt G\zzelt H\zzelt I\zzelt J\zzelt
    K\zzelt L\zzelt M\zzelt N\zzelt O\zzelt P\zzelt Q\zzelt R\zzelt S\zzelt T\zzelt U\zzelt V\zzelt W\zzelt X\zzelt
    Y\zzelt Z}


% --------------------------------------------
% Flags to set internal version of document
% --------------------------------------------
% flag for \zzzconditional
% flag for use in document

% --------------------------------------------
% Definition of \zzzconditional which should work like \zzz, but only print to document if interal flag is TRUE
% --------------------------------------------
% helper command
% command


    Here is an example of how \textbackslash zzz\{\} hyphenates camelCase words. A variable \zzz{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} is hyphenated at capital letters thanks to the amazing support here on StackExchange.

    Now here is an example of \textbackslash zzzconditional\{\}'s hyphenation. A variable \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} is hyphenated at capital letters. %
    % +++++ internal flag set to false +++++
    % ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Having set the \textbackslash internal flag to false, the variable \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar} will disappear. Look at the tex code of this example to see that \textbackslash zzzconditional\{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar\} was used in the previous sentence.

    % +++++ internal flag set to true +++++
    % +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        Here is a paragraph which appears only when the \textbackslash internal flag is true. However, inside this \textbackslash ifthenelse\{\}\{\}\{\} construct the hypenation in \textbackslash zzzconditional\{\} is broken. Instead it will result in an overfull line. This is shown in the following example \zzzconditional{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar}.%

        The issue issue also persists if I use the command \textbackslash zzz\{\}, for example \zzz{InpShaftActTrqSpdRndVar}. So the core issue does not seem to be with \textbackslash zzzconditional\{\}.%




