我的索引 Latex 代码如下所示,我已将此文件包含在我的主论文文件 latex 窗口中,从那里我可以快速构建它。我正在使用 Texmaker 编译器。
{\vspace{4cm} {\textbf{\LARGE{Nomenclature}}}}
\begin{longtable}{l l}
$u,v$ &:velocity components along x- and y- axes \\ \\
$u_{w}$ &:velocity of the stretching sheet\\ \\
$x,y$ &:Cartesian coordinates (x-axis is aligned along the stretching surface and y-axis is normal to it)\\ \\
\textbf{Greek Symbols}\\ \\
$\alpha$ &:thermal diffusivity \\ \\
$(\rho c)_{p}$ &:effective heat capacity of the nanoparticle material \\ \\
$\varepsilon$ &:ratio between the effective heat capacity of the nanoparticle material and heat capacity of the fluid \\ \\
$\tau$ &:shearing stress\\ \\
$\tau_{s}$ &:reference shear stress\\ \\
\textbf{Subscript}\\ \\
$p$ &:nanoparticle\\ \\
$f$ &:base fluid\\ \\
\textbf{Superscript}\\ \\
%\end{sloppypar} &:Time level discritization\\ \\