

我正在使用该beamerposter.sty文件制作我的海报,并且我想在海报的标题部分放置一个背景 - 不是机构的图形或徽标,而是涵盖整个海报标题长度的实际背景。

我一直在搜索,但似乎找不到任何专门解决此问题的方法。我有 eso-pic、背景和壁纸包,所以如果您能提供其中任何一个的解决方案,我将不胜感激。以下是我想要实现的一个示例

海报的背景是蓝色的,上面有一个贝壳。我想知道如何在 LaTeX 中做到这一点(不一定使用相同的图形)


\usepackage[scale = 1]{beamerposter}
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=black,bg=white} % Colors of the block titles
\setbeamercolor{block body}{fg=black,bg=white} % Colors of the body of blocks
\setbeamercolor{block alerted title}{fg=white,bg=dblue!53} % Colors of the highlighted block titles
\setbeamercolor{block alerted body}{fg=black,bg=dblue!11} % Colors of the body of highlighted blocks
% Define the column widths and overall poster size
% To set effective sepwid, onecolwid and twocolwid values, first choose how many columns you want and how much separation you want between columns
% In this template, the separation width chosen is 0.024 of the paper width and a 4-column layout
% onecolwid should therefore be (1-(# of columns+1)*sepwid)/# of columns e.g. (1-(4+1)*0.024)/4 = 0.22
% Set twocolwid to be (2*onecolwid)+sepwid = 0.464
% Set threecolwid to be (3*onecolwid)+2*sepwid = 0.708
\setlength{\paperwidth}{48in} % A0 width: 46.8in
\setlength{\paperheight}{36in} % A0 height: 33.1in
\setlength{\sepwid}{0.024\paperwidth} % Separation width (white space) between columns
\setlength{\onecolwid}{0.22\paperwidth} % Width of one column
\setlength{\twocolwid}{0.464\paperwidth} % Width of two columns
\setlength{\threecolwid}{0.708\paperwidth} % Width of three columns
\setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} % Reduce the top margin size
\usepackage{graphicx}  % Required for including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Top and bottom rules for tables
\title{Title} % Poster title

\author{a \inst{1} \and b \inst{1}  \and c\inst{1} \inst{2} \and d\inst{1}} % Author(s)

\institute{\inst{1} University \and \inst{2} Other University}

\addtobeamertemplate{block end}{}{\vspace*{0.5ex}} % White space under blocks
\addtobeamertemplate{block alerted end}{}{\vspace*{2ex}} % White space under highlighted (alert) blocks
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0.5ex} % White space under figures
\setlength\belowdisplayshortskip{2ex} % White space under equations
\begin{frame}[t] % The whole poster is enclosed in one beamer frame
    \begin{columns}[t] % The whole poster consists of three major columns, the second of which is split into two columns twice - the [t] option aligns each column's content to the top
        \begin{column}{\sepwid}\end{column} % Empty spacer column
            \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The first column
                \begin{block}{Compound and Substrate}
            \end{column} % End of the first column
                \begin{column}{\twocolwid} % Begin a column which is two columns wide (column 2)
                    \begin{columns}[t,totalwidth=\twocolwid] % Split up the two columns wide column
                        \begin{column}{\onecolwid}\vspace{-.6in} % The first column within column 2 (column 2.1)
                        \begin{block}{Compound and Substrate}
                        \begin{block}{Experimental Set-up}
                        \begin{block}{Results and Analysis}
                        \end{column} % End of column 2.1
                        \begin{column}{\onecolwid}\vspace{-.6in} % The second column within column 2 (column 2.2)
                                \begin{block}{Results and Analysis}
                            \end{column} % End of column 2.2
                        \end{columns} % End of the split of column 2 - any content after this will now take up 2 columns width
                    \end{column} % End of the second column
                        \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The third column
            \setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=dblue,bg=white} % Change the block title color
                        \end{column} % End of the third column
                    \end{columns} % End of all the columns in the poster
                \end{frame} % End of the enclosing frame




\usepackage[scale = 1]{beamerposter}

% VAK redefine header template:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[scale=1.01, opacity=0.99, xshift=0cm, yshift=-5.5cm,scope fading=south] at (current page.north){\pgfimage[width=\paperwidth,height=11cm]{fig}};
    \usebeamercolor{title in headline}{\color{jblue}\Huge{\textbf{\inserttitle}}\\[0.5ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{author in headline}{\color{fg}\Large{\insertauthor}\\[1ex]}
    \usebeamercolor{institute in headline}{\color{fg}\large{\insertinstitute}\\[1ex]}
% end of VAK definition

\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=black,bg=white} % Colors of the block titles
\setbeamercolor{block body}{fg=black,bg=white} % Colors of the body of blocks
\setbeamercolor{block alerted title}{fg=white,bg=dblue!53} % Colors of the highlighted block titles
\setbeamercolor{block alerted body}{fg=black,bg=dblue!11} % Colors of the body of highlighted blocks
% Define the column widths and overall poster size
% To set effective sepwid, onecolwid and twocolwid values, first choose how many columns you want and how much separation you want between columns
% In this template, the separation width chosen is 0.024 of the paper width and a 4-column layout
% onecolwid should therefore be (1-(# of columns+1)*sepwid)/# of columns e.g. (1-(4+1)*0.024)/4 = 0.22
% Set twocolwid to be (2*onecolwid)+sepwid = 0.464
% Set threecolwid to be (3*onecolwid)+2*sepwid = 0.708
\setlength{\paperwidth}{48in} % A0 width: 46.8in
\setlength{\paperheight}{36in} % A0 height: 33.1in
\setlength{\sepwid}{0.024\paperwidth} % Separation width (white space) between columns
\setlength{\onecolwid}{0.22\paperwidth} % Width of one column
\setlength{\twocolwid}{0.464\paperwidth} % Width of two columns
\setlength{\threecolwid}{0.708\paperwidth} % Width of three columns
\setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} % Reduce the top margin size
\usepackage{graphicx}  % Required for including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Top and bottom rules for tables
\title{Some Title} % Poster title

\author{a \inst{1} \and b \inst{1}  \and c\inst{1} \inst{2} \and d\inst{1}} % Author(s)

\institute{\inst{1} University \and \inst{2} Other University}

\addtobeamertemplate{block end}{}{\vspace*{0.5ex}} % White space under blocks
\addtobeamertemplate{block alerted end}{}{\vspace*{2ex}} % White space under highlighted (alert) blocks
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0.5ex} % White space under figures
\setlength\belowdisplayshortskip{2ex} % White space under equations
\begin{frame}[t] % The whole poster is enclosed in one beamer frame
    \begin{columns}[t] % The whole poster consists of three major columns, the second of which is split into two columns twice - the [t] option aligns each column's content to the top
        \begin{column}{\sepwid}\end{column} % Empty spacer column
            \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The first column
                \begin{block}{Compound and Substrate}
            \end{column} % End of the first column
                \begin{column}{\twocolwid} % Begin a column which is two columns wide (column 2)
                    \begin{columns}[t,totalwidth=\twocolwid] % Split up the two columns wide column
                        \begin{column}{\onecolwid}\vspace{-.6in} % The first column within column 2 (column 2.1)
                        \begin{block}{Compound and Substrate}
                        \begin{block}{Experimental Set-up}
                        \begin{block}{Results and Analysis}
                        \end{column} % End of column 2.1
                        \begin{column}{\onecolwid}\vspace{-.6in} % The second column within column 2 (column 2.2)
                                \begin{block}{Results and Analysis}
                            \end{column} % End of column 2.2
                        \end{columns} % End of the split of column 2 - any content after this will now take up 2 columns width
                    \end{column} % End of the second column
                        \begin{column}{\onecolwid} % The third column
            \setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=dblue,bg=white} % Change the block title color
                        \end{column} % End of the third column
                    \end{columns} % End of all the columns in the poster
                \end{frame} % End of the enclosing frame

结果如下图所示: 在此处输入图片描述
