这是我的代码,我想连接 A 和 C,不连接 B。我该如何更改?非常感谢!
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, chains, positioning, quotes, shapes.geometric}
node distance = 8mm and 20mm,
start chain = going below,
arrow/.style = {thick,-stealth},
base/.style = {
draw, thick,
minimum width=30mm, minimum height=10mm, align=center,
inner sep=1mm, outer sep=0mm,
on chain, join=by arrow},
decision/.style = {diamond, base,
aspect=1.5, inner xsep=0mm},
process/.style = {rectangle, base},
startstop/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, base},
\node (start) [startstop] {Start};
\node (setup) [process] {Input a specific $n$ };
\node (test) [decision] {is 5?};
\node (acqir) [process,left=of test] {A};
\node (compute) [process] {B};
\node (displace)[process] {C};
\draw [arrow] (test) |- node [near start,right] {Yes} (compute);
\path (test) to["No"] (acqir);
\node (end) [process] {End};
添加\draw [arrow] (acqir.west) -| ([xshift=-10mm]compute.west) |- (displace.west);
将添加一个连接 A 和 C 的箭头(我删除了一些未使用的选项和包):
\documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{chains, quotes, shapes.geometric}
node distance = 8mm and 20mm,
start chain = going below,
arrow/.style = {thick,-stealth},
base/.style = {
draw, thick,
minimum width=30mm, minimum height=10mm, align=center,
inner sep=1mm, outer sep=0mm,
on chain, join=by arrow},
decision/.style = {diamond, base,
aspect=1.5, inner xsep=0mm},
process/.style = {rectangle, base},
startstop/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, base},
\node (start) [startstop] {Start};
\node (setup) [process] {Input a specific $n$ };
\node (test) [decision] {is 5?};
\node (acqir) [process,left=of test] {A};
\node (compute) [process] {B};
\node (displace)[process] {C};
\draw [arrow] (test) |- node [near start,right] {Yes} (compute);
\path (test) to["No"] (acqir);
\node (end) [process] {End};
\draw [arrow] (acqir.west) -| ([xshift=-10mm]compute.west) |- (displace.west);
如果你不想加入 A 和 B 或 B 和 C(请参阅还 这些 答案):
\documentclass[tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{chains, quotes, shapes.geometric}
suppress join/.code={\def\tikz@after@path{}}
node distance = 8mm and 20mm,
start chain = going below,
arrow/.style = {thick,-stealth},
base/.style = {
draw, thick,
minimum width=30mm, minimum height=10mm, align=center,
inner sep=1mm, outer sep=0mm,
on chain, join=by arrow},
decision/.style = {diamond, base,
aspect=1.5, inner xsep=0mm},
process/.style = {rectangle, base},
startstop/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, base},
\node (start) [startstop] {Start};
\node (setup) [process] {Input a specific $n$ };
\node (test) [decision] {is 5?};
\node (acqir) [process,left=of test] {A};
\node (compute) [process,suppress join] {B};
\node (displace)[process,suppress join] {C};
\draw [arrow] (test) |- node [near start,right] {Yes} (compute);
\path (test) to["No"] (acqir);
\node (end) [process] {End};
\draw [arrow] (acqir.west) -| ([xshift=-10mm]compute.west) |- (displace.west);