我怎样才能创建没有箭头的循环?(Vertex 7)谢谢。:)
\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,->,baseline=(12.base)]
\tikzset{vertex/.style={circle,fill=blue!25,minimum size=12pt,inner sep=2pt}}
\node[vertex] (7) at (0,0) [shape=circle,draw=black] {1};
\node[vertex] (8) at (2,0) [shape=circle,draw=black] {2};
\node[vertex] (9) at (1,-1) [shape=circle,draw=black] {3};
\draw (7) edge[-] (8);
\draw (7) edge[-] (9);
\draw (8) edge[-] (9);
%\draw (8) loap[-] (8);
\path (7) edge [loop above] node {} (7);
\path (7) edge [loop] node {} (7);
%\path[-] (8) edge[loop] node[above] {} (8);
\path[-] (8) edge[bend left] (9);
\begin{tikzpicture}%[shorten >=1pt]
\tikzset{vertex/.style={circle,fill=blue!25,minimum size=12pt,inner sep=2pt}}
\tikzset{every loop/.style={}}%removes arrow head from all loops.
\node[vertex] (7) at (0,0) [shape=circle,draw=black] {1};
\node[vertex] (8) at (2,0) [shape=circle,draw=black] {2};
\node[vertex] (9) at (1,-1) [shape=circle,draw=black] {3};
\draw [->] (7) -- (8);
\draw [->] (7) -- (9);
\draw [->] (8) -- (9);
\path (7) edge [->,loop above] node {} (7);%add an arrow to the loop edge
\path (7) edge [loop] node {} (7);%there will be no arrow head on this loop.
\path (8) edge[->,bend left] (9);%add an arrow to the loop edge