Beamer 中出现“缺少 $ 插入”错误

Beamer 中出现“缺少 $ 插入”错误

我正在创建 Beamer 演示文稿,每当我尝试编译时,都会出现“缺少 $ 插入”错误,我不知道为什么。我研究过此问题的可能解决方案,但没有一个对我有用。有问题的部分如下:


With this very concrete characterization of the isotropy group of an algebraic theory $\mathbb{T}$ at hand, we can now compute the isotropy groups of several algebraic theories $\mathbb{T}$:



\item If $\mathbb{T}$ has no axioms, then the isotropy group of $\mathbb{T}$ is trivial, i.e. $\forall M \in \mathbb{T}mod$ we have $\mathcal{Z}_{\mathbb{T}}(M) = \{ [x] \} \cong 1$, the trivial group.


\item If $\mathbb{T}$ is the theory with one binary commutative or associative operation symbol, then the isotropy group of $\mathbb{T}$ is again trivial.


\item If $\mathbb{T}$ is the theory of groups, then Bergman essentially proved that $\forall G \in Group$ we have                $$ \mathcal{Z}_{\mathbb{T}}(G) = \{ [gxg^{-1}] \in G \langle x \rangle \: \mid g \in G \} \cong G. $$


\item If $\mathbb{T}$ is the theory of monoids, then $\forall M \in Monoid$ we have $$ \mathcal{Z}_{\mathbb{T}}(M) = \{[mxm'] \in M \langle x \rangle \mid \mbox{ m is invertible in M and m' = m^{-1} } \}. $$





\item If $\mathbb{T}$ is the theory of monoids, then $\forall M \in Monoid$ we have 
        = \{[mxm'] \in M \langle x \rangle \mid \mbox{$m$ is invertible in $M$ and $m' = m^{-1}$} \}.

