方程式在编辑器中运行良好,但无法在 beamer 中编译

方程式在编辑器中运行良好,但无法在 beamer 中编译

我正在使用 Overleaf 制作一个 beamer 风格的演示文稿。以下代码在文本编辑器中运行良好,但无法编译。以下代码在其他文件中也能正常工作。实际上,我在其他地方(我使用 Typora)运行良好的所有方程式都无法在这里编译。


  1. 我打开了一个新模板。无需添加新

  2. 然后我只添加了一行代码,即我的方程式。它显示

  3. 然后我删除了我的方程式。它工作正常。

我添加的唯一代码是第 40 行,它是一个等式。




%% Load the markdown package
 link = {\href{#2}{#1}},
 headingThree = {\begin{frame}\frametitle{#1}},
 headingFour = {\begin{block}{#1}},
 horizontalRule = {\end{block}}


\title{Writing Beamer Slides with Markdown}
\author{LianTze Lim}





## How?

### We can do that?

$ Q_{ijt}^{A} \sim N (Q_{j}, \sigma^2_{A}) $

- Yeah to some extent, with \texttt{markdown} package :-)
    - __$\hash$__ and __$\hash\hash$__ for section and subsection headers (in ToC)
    - Redefine __$\hash\hash\hash$__ to start a frame and frametitle
    - (Nested) bullet and numbered lists
    - Text formatting (*italic*, **bold becomes italic + alerted**) 
    - Redefine __$\hash\hash\hash\hash$__ to start a block with title \linebreak
      and __\texttt{-{}-{}-{}-}__ to end the block
    - ___Compile with \texttt{-{}-shell-escape}___ (Overleaf does this already)
- (Alternative approaches: Pandoc, wikitobeamer)



### Caveats

- Nothing too complicated! 
- No verbatim or fragile stuff!
- No $\hash$ and \textunderscore{} characters!\linebreak 
  (I used `$\hash$` and `\textunderscore`)
- Can't pass options to frames
- __Need to write \texttt{\textbackslash end\string{frame\string}} manually!__



%%% # and ## are still sections and subsections
# Example

## Proposed Menus

%%% ### starts a frame + frametitle
### Breakfast Menu

%%% bulleted lists as usual 

- Eggs
    * scrambled
    * sunny-side-up
- Coffee
    * Americano
    * Long black
- Tea
    * Darjeeling
    * English Breakfast

%%% Due to the complicatedness of beamer frames, \end{frame} MUST appear in the source code itself and cannot be "hidden" in another command



### Lunch Menu

- Spaghetti
    * Bolognese
    * Aglio olio
- Sandwiches
    * Egg
    * Ham
    * Tuna



## Budgeting

### Projected Profit

1. And the answer is...
2. $f(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{f^{(n)}(a)}{n!}(x-a)^n$
    #. How do we _know_ that?
    #. __Maths!__


### Testing blocks

#### This is a block!

- Here is some content.
- Here's more contents.



### Citations

- This is a book [@BookKey]
- This is an article [@ArticleKey]








问题是_您的公式中有多个 markdown 识别为斜体的内容。如果您想将它们用作下标,请使用带有underscores=false选项的 markdown 包或对其进行转义。

答案 1:逃避

% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: on, interaction: nonstopmode, shell: yes}

%% Load the markdown package
 link = {\href{#2}{#1}},
 headingThree = {\begin{frame}\frametitle{#1}},
 headingFour = {\begin{block}{#1}},
 horizontalRule = {\end{block}}



### We can do that?

$ {Q\_{ijt}} Q\_{j} $





请注意,此解决方案_不再能用作 markdown 元素。

% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: on, interaction: nonstopmode, shell: yes}

%% Load the markdown package
 link = {\href{#2}{#1}},
 headingThree = {\begin{frame}\frametitle{#1}},
 headingFour = {\begin{block}{#1}},
 horizontalRule = {\end{block}}



### We can do that?

$ {Q_{ijt}} Q_{j} $

- Yeah to some extent, with \texttt{markdown} package :-)
    - $\hash$ and $\hash\hash$ for section and subsection headers (in ToC)
    - Redefine $\hash\hash\hash$ to start a frame and frametitle
    - (Nested) bullet and numbered lists
    - Text formatting (*italic*, **bold becomes italic + alerted**) 
    - Redefine $\hash\hash\hash\hash$ to start a block with title \linebreak
      and \texttt{-{}-{}-{}-} to end the block
    - Compile with \texttt{-{}-shell-escape} (Overleaf does this already)
- (Alternative approaches: Pandoc, wikitobeamer)



