







\RenewDocumentCommand \sidenote { o o +m }
\RenewDocumentCommand \sidenotetext { o o +m }




This is an example.\sidenote{First sidenote.\label{first}} \\
This is second\sidenote{Second sidenote.\label{second}} \\
More text... \\
    ... \\
Then I refer to sidenote \ref{first} and then to sidenote \ref{second}. \\

Now I add a lot of text, taken from Wikipedia: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darth_Vader} 

\section{Darth Vader}

Darth Vader\sidenote{Dark Lord of the Sith}, also known by his birth name Anakin Skywalker, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Vader appears in the original span of the saga going from being Anakin Skywalker, the prophesied child who would bring balance to the Force, to his corruption and transformation into Darth Vader, to being the pivotal antagonist, and eventual redemption and fulfillment of the prophecy.

The character was created by George Lucas and has been portrayed by numerous actors. His appearances span the first six Star Wars films, as well as Rogue One\sidenote{Don't miss Darth Vader's scenes, especially the last one, they are awesome!}, and his character is referenced in both Star Wars: The Force Awakens\sidenote{Episode VII, after Disney bought Lucasfilm and the Star Wars franchise. The original trilogy is still the best and Kylo Ren is not as great as Darth Vader. I keep writing here my own thoughts to demonstrate a problem: the sidenotes overflow (a pun intended). The comment doesn't continue to the next page but disappears outside the page.} and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. He is also an important character in the Star Wars expanded universe of television series, video games, novels, literature and comic books. Originally a Jedi prophesied to bring balance to the Force, he falls to the dark side of the Force and serves the evil Galactic Empire at the right hand of his Sith master, Emperor Palpatine (also known as Darth Sidious). He is also the father of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa, secret husband of Padmé Amidala and grandfather of Kylo Ren.

Darth Vader has become one of the most iconic villains in popular culture, and has been listed among the greatest villains and fictional characters ever. The American Film Institute listed him as the third greatest movie villain in cinema history on 100 Years... 100 Heroes and Villains, behind Hannibal Lecter and Norman Bates.[9] However, other critics consider him a tragic hero, citing his original motivations for the greater good before his fall to the dark side and the redemptive self-sacrifice that leads to his death.




以下是该错误的屏幕截图: 旁注溢出的屏幕截图





注意有一个小错误使用 marginfix 时,如果段落末尾有旁注,而该旁注又跨页显示,则该旁注可以出现在段落开头的页面上。


阅读 sidenotes 包的手册,它使用 sidenotes 命令\marginpar或在某些情况下\marginnote使用 KOMA-script 包。两者都不提供在 sidenote 内设置分页符的功能。

但你所问的问题是可能的,请参见此处:与 Tufte 类似的设计,带有跨分页符的侧注,或者:使用 KOMAscript 制作的 Tufte:基于 scrlayer-scrnotecolumn 包的带分页符的旁注。请注意,自从我两年前提出问题以来,该包已经有一些新功能。



Memoir 还具有处理脚注的功能,\marginpar其行为与侧注包相同。

