






    table/row sep=\\,
    patch type=polygon,
    vertex count=3,
            patch table with point meta={%
            % pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 cdata
        0   4   7   0 \\
        7   8   1   7 \\
        6   4   2   6 \\
        4   0   2   4 \\
        8   7   6   8 \\
        7   4   6   7 \\
        0   1   2   0 \\
        0   7   1   0 \\
        1   8   2   1 \\
        8   6   2   8 \\

    table {
    x y z\\
    0   0   0\\ %0
    0   0   0.285957\\ %1
    0   0.285957    0.285957\\ %2
    0   0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %3
    0   0.571914    0\\ %4
    0.1906761276    0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %5
    0.285957    0.285957    0.285957\\ %6
    0.571914    0   0\\ %7
    0.571914    0   0.285957\\ %8








附件:Mathematica 笔记本获取下面提供的解决方案的补丁表

> H2 = Import["convex2.dat"] 
    {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0.285957}, {0, 0.285957, 0.285957}, {0, 0.381238, 
  0.190619}, {0, 0.571914, 0}, {0.190676, 0.381238, 
  0.190619}, {0.285957, 0.285957, 0.285957}, {0.571914, 0, 
  0}, {0.571914, 0, 0.285957}}

H2 是凸包的 {x, y, z} 点的坐标。我们可以绘制凸包如下:

ConvexHullMesh[H2, Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {a1, a2, a3}, 
 Boxed -> False, ViewPoint -> {60, 100, 100},
 MeshCellStyle -> Opacity[0.2, Orange]

这会给出类似上图的 3D 形状。我们现在处理此图以获取凸包各侧的三角形列表及其阴影,以便在 Tick - pgf 中使用这些数据

R = ConvexHullMesh[H2];
lookuptable = 
  AssociationThread[Range[MeshCellCount[R, 0]], 
   Flatten[Nearest[H2 -> Automatic, MeshCoordinates[R]]]];

faces = Partition[
    Flatten[MeshCells[R, 2, "Multicells" -> True][[1, 1]]]], 3];
closedfaces = Join[faces, faces[[All, {1}]], 2] - 1;

lsttriangles = {};
Do[x = H2[[closedfaces[[i, 1]] + 1]] - H2[[closedfaces[[i, 2]] + 1]];
  y = H2[[closedfaces[[i, 1]] + 1]] - H2[[closedfaces[[i, 3]] + 1]];
  z = Cross[x, y];
   Join[Take[closedfaces[[i]], 3], {Abs[z.{1, 2, 3}/Sqrt[z.z]]}]], {i,
    1, Length[closedfaces]}];

使用 Tikz 图形的点元来形成补丁表。


0   4   7   3.
8   7   5   2.12132
4   0   2   1.
7   8   1   2.
4   2   6   3.53553
0   7   1   2.
0   1   2   1.
7   4   5   2.12132
2   1   6   3.
1   8   6   3.
4   6   5   2.12132
6   8   5   2.12132


我相信根据法向量对表面进行着色是可能的,但并非易事。与此同时,你可以手动完成。一种可能的方法是通过使用nodes near coords





    opacity=0, % trick to make the lines go away
    fill opacity=0.6,
    table/row sep=\\,
    patch type=polygon,
    vertex count=3,
            patch table with point meta={%
            % pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 cdata
        1   7   8   8 \\
        1   7   8   0 \\
        0   1   7   0 \\
        0   4   7   1 \\
        4   6   7   3 \\
        7   6   8   3 \\
        4   2   6   4 \\
        4   2   0   5 \\
        0   1   2   5 \\
        2   6   8   6 \\
        1   2   8   6 \\
table {
    x y z\\
    0   0   0\\ %0
    0   0   0.285957\\ %1
    0   0.285957    0.285957\\ %2
    0   0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %3
    0   0.571914    0\\ %4
    0.1906761276    0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %5
    0.285957    0.285957    0.285957\\ %6
    0.571914    0   0\\ %7
    0.571914    0   0.285957\\ %8
    table/row sep=\\,nodes near coords/.append style={color=blue},
    only marks,nodes near coords=\coordindex
table {
    x y z\\
    0   0   0\\ %0
    0   0   0.285957\\ %1
    0   0.285957    0.285957\\ %2
    0   0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %3
    0   0.571914    0\\ %4
    0.1906761276    0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %5
    0.285957    0.285957    0.285957\\ %6
    0.571914    0   0\\ %7
    0.571914    0   0.285957\\ %8





附录:基于 Mathematica 的解决方案。我已将其添加到您的笔记本中

lsttriangles = {};
Do[x = H2[[closedfaces[[i, 1]] + 1]] - H2[[closedfaces[[i, 2]] + 1]];
  y = H2[[closedfaces[[i, 1]] + 1]] - H2[[closedfaces[[i, 3]] + 1]];
  z = Cross[x, y];
   Join[Take[closedfaces[[i]], 3], {Abs[z.{1, 2, 3}/Sqrt[z.z]]}]], {i,
    1, Length[closedfaces]}];

然后导出lsttriangles为 TeX 文件。也就是说,下面代码片段中的第一个表格是由 Mathematica 制作的。





    line width=0pt,opacity=0,
    fill opacity=0.3,
    table/row sep=\\,
    patch type=polygon,
    vertex count=3,
            patch table with point meta={%
            % pt1 pt2 pt3 cdata
  0  4  7  3.\\ 
  8  7  5  2.1213203435596424\\ 
  4  0  2  0.9999999999999999\\ 
  7  8  1  1.9999999999999998\\ 
  4  2  6  3.535533905932738\\ 
  0  7  1  1.9999999999999998\\ 
  0  1  2  0.9999999999999999\\ 
  7  4  5  2.1213203435596424\\ 
  2  1  6  3.\\ 
  1  8  6  3.\\ 
  4  6  5  2.1213203435611967\\ 
  6  8  5  2.121320343559643\\
table {
    x y z\\
    0   0   0\\ %0
    0   0   0.285957\\ %1
    0   0.285957    0.285957\\ %2
    0   0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %3
    0   0.571914    0\\ %4
    0.1906761276    0.3812378724    0.1906189362\\ %5
    0.285957    0.285957    0.285957\\ %6
    0.571914    0   0\\ %7
    0.571914    0   0.285957\\ %8


