关于 Biblatex 的两个问题:如何将 URL 移动到参考文献的最末尾,如何删除合集标题后的 .?

关于 Biblatex 的两个问题:如何将 URL 移动到参考文献的最末尾,如何删除合集标题后的 .?

我目前正在使用 BibLaTeX 的修改版本,ext-authoryear-comp风格。我通过将一些代码拼凑在一起,成功地让它看起来像这样(我使用 LyX,所以我不太熟悉使用 LaTeX 语言):


但我需要删除.收藏和编辑书籍标题后面的 以及byed.使其看起来像这样:


此外,我需要将最后一个引用的 URL 作为列出的最后一项,并且我需要将其替换visited onaccessed on。有人有什么想法吗?

% Preview source code

%% LyX 2.2.3 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
 breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0},pdfborderstyle={},backref=false,colorlinks=false]


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\usepackage[style=ext-authoryear-comp,giveninits=true, urldate=long]{biblatex}
\usepackage{csquotes,xpatch} % Xpatch is needed to move (ed.) around.
% Bibliography Settings for JMS
% Remove p., pp., &c.
% Delimit year with period and no brackets.
% Remove In from articles.
% Do not print month and day fields.
%Do not italicize inbook, article, inproceedings fields.
\DeclareFieldFormat[inbook, article, inproceedings]{title}{#1} 
% Ampersand instead of and.
% Volume and number bold; number in brackets.
% Ed. lowercase.


% Colon for article pages.
%Change URL 
% End bibliography settings for JMS



\title{Methods and Best Practices}

  Blah blah







  langid = {english},
  location = {{Princeton, NJ}},
  title = {Nicomachean {{Ethics}}},
  volume = {2},
  isbn = {978-0-691-01650-4},
  shorttitle = {The Complete Works of {{Aristotle}}},
  volumes = {2},
  number = {72},
  booktitle = {The Complete Works of {{Aristotle}}: The Revised {{Oxford}} Translation},
  series = {Bollingen Series},
  publisher = {{Princeton University Press}},
  date = {1995},
  pages = {2487},
  author = {Aristotle},
  bookauthor = {Aristotle},
  editor = {Barnes, Jonathan},
  translator = {Ross, W.D. and Urmson, J.O.}

  title = {The {{Subject}} Supposed to Be a {{Christian}}: {{On Paul Ric{\oe}ur}}'s '{{Memory}}, {{History}}, {{Forgetting}}'},
  volume = {2},
  url = {http://novaojs.newcastle.edu.au/ojsbct/index.php/bct/article/viewFile/96/82},
  number = {3},
  journaltitle = {The Bible and Critical Theory},
  urldate = {2016-07-26},
  date = {2006},
  pages = {27.1-27.9},
  author = {Badiou, Alain},
  translator = {Doyle, Natalie and Toscano, Alberto},

  title = {Tracking Global Turbulence},
  volume = {20},
  journaltitle = {New Left Review},
  date = {2003},
  pages = {5},
  author = {Arrighi, Giovanni},



editor+othersstrg可以使用而不是 ,将“ed. by”更改为“ed.” byeditor+othersstrg

\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{urlseen={accessed on},}对于 URL 来说应该足够了。


\usepackage[style=ext-authoryear-comp, giveninits=true, uniquename=init, date=year, urldate=long, articlein=false]{biblatex}

  langid = {english},
  location = {{Princeton, NJ}},
  title = {Nicomachean {{Ethics}}},
  volume = {2},
  isbn = {978-0-691-01650-4},
  shorttitle = {The Complete Works of {{Aristotle}}},
  volumes = {2},
  number = {72},
  booktitle = {The Complete Works of {{Aristotle}}: The Revised {{Oxford}} Translation},
  series = {Bollingen Series},
  publisher = {{Princeton University Press}},
  date = {1995},
  pages = {2487},
  author = {Aristotle},
  bookauthor = {Aristotle},
  editor = {Barnes, Jonathan},
  translator = {Ross, W.D. and Urmson, J.O.}

  title = {The {{Subject}} Supposed to Be a {{Christian}}: {{On Paul Ric{\oe}ur}}'s '{{Memory}}, {{History}}, {{Forgetting}}'},
  volume = {2},
  url = {http://novaojs.newcastle.edu.au/ojsbct/index.php/bct/article/viewFile/96/82},
  number = {3},
  journaltitle = {The Bible and Critical Theory},
  urldate = {2016-07-26},
  date = {2006},
  pages = {27.1-27.9},
  author = {Badiou, Alain},
  translator = {Doyle, Natalie and Toscano, Alberto},

  title = {Tracking Global Turbulence},
  volume = {20},
  journaltitle = {New Left Review},
  date = {2003},
  pages = {5},
  author = {Arrighi, Giovanni},


% Bibliography Settings for JMS
% Remove p., pp., &c.
% Delimit year with period and no brackets.

%Do not italicize inbook, article, inproceedings fields.
\DeclareFieldFormat[inbook, article, inproceedings]{title}{#1} 
% Ampersand instead of and.
% Volume and number bold; number in brackets.

% Ed. lowercase.


% Colon for article pages.
%Change URL 
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{urlseen={accessed on},}
% End bibliography settings for JMS






