如何改善使用 natbib 制作的引用脚注的字距调整?

如何改善使用 natbib 制作的引用脚注的字距调整?


Hello world.\cite{Knuth}





  1. microtype有很多不错的字距自定义设置。遗憾的是,默认选项无法解决问题,而且我不知道如何手动更改脚注字距。

  2. fnpct允许广泛的定制对于实际的\footnotes,但似乎不太适合使用该\cite命令创建的引用脚注。手册第 8 章讨论了如何将该包与 biblatex 的\autocites 一起使用,但正如讨论的那样这个问题,我无法让它与该natbib包一起工作。

有什么想法吗?我已经写了一篇文章,手动将\cites 放在标点符号之外,所以我更喜欢与此排序兼容的解决方案,但如果有必要,我可以手动将它们移动到标点符号内(正如 所要求的那样fnpct)。



版本 1



    Author = {Diane Massam},
    Journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory},
    Pages = {153-197},
    Title = {Pseudo Noun Incorporation in {Niuean}},
    Volume = {19},
    Year = {2001}}

    Author = {P Materna and E Hajicova and P Sgall},
    Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy},
    Pages = {101-113},
    Title = {Redundant Answers and Topic-Focus Articulation},
    Volume = {10},
    Year = {1987}}

    Author = {Y Matsumoto},
    Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy},
    Pages = {21-60},
    Title = {The Conversational Condition On {Horn} Scales},
    Volume = {18},
    Year = {1995}}

    Author = {A Matsuo},
    Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry},
    Pages = {310-317},
    Title = {Reciprocity and Binding in Early Child Grammar},
    Volume = {30},
    Year = {1999}}

    Author = {Matsuo, Ayumi and Duffield, Nigel},
    Journal = {Language Acquisition},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {301--327},
    Title = {{VP}-ellipsis and anaphora in child language acquisition},
    Volume = {9},
    Year = {2001}}

    Author = {Matushansky, Ora},
    Journal = {Linguistics and philosophy},
    Number = {5},
    Pages = {573--627},
    Title = {On the linguistic complexity of proper names},
    Volume = {31},
    Year = {2008}}

Some text.\cite{Materna1987,Matsumoto1995,Matsuo1999}

But without punctuation\cite{Massam2001,MatsuoDuffield2001,Matushansky2008}

版本 1 的输出

版本 2



    Author = {Diane Massam},
    Journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory},
    Pages = {153-197},
    Title = {Pseudo Noun Incorporation in {Niuean}},
    Volume = {19},
    Year = {2001}}

    Author = {P Materna and E Hajicova and P Sgall},
    Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy},
    Pages = {101-113},
    Title = {Redundant Answers and Topic-Focus Articulation},
    Volume = {10},
    Year = {1987}}

    Author = {Y Matsumoto},
    Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy},
    Pages = {21-60},
    Title = {The Conversational Condition On Horn Scales},
    Volume = {18},
    Year = {1995}}

    Author = {A Matsuo},
    Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry},
    Pages = {310-317},
    Title = {Reciprocity and Binding in Early Child Grammar},
    Volume = {30},
    Year = {1999}}

    Author = {Matsuo, Ayumi and Duffield, Nigel},
    Journal = {Language Acquisition},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {301--327},
    Title = {{VP}-ellipsis and anaphora in child language acquisition},
    Volume = {9},
    Year = {2001}}

    Author = {Matushansky, Ora},
    Journal = {Linguistics and philosophy},
    Number = {5},
    Pages = {573--627},
    Title = {On the linguistic complexity of proper names},
    Volume = {31},
    Year = {2008}}

Some text.\pcite{Materna1987,Matsumoto1995,Matsuo1999}

But without punctuation\cite{Massam2001,MatsuoDuffield2001,Matushansky2008}

版本 2 的输出
