Natbib/apalike.bst 不打印图书条目类型的书名

Natbib/apalike.bst 不打印图书条目类型的书名

我正在尝试引用 IPCC 报告中的一章。但它没有打印报告的书名。我在这里做错了什么?MWE:



bibtex 条目如下:

author = {C.B. and Barros, VR and Mach, KJ and Mastrandrea, M.D. and van Aalst, M. and Adger, WN and Arent, DJ and Barnett, J and Betts, R and Bilir, Te and Birkmann, J and Carmin, J and Chadee, DD and Challinor, Aj and Chatterjee, M and Cramer, W and Davidson, DJ and Estrada, Yo and Gattuso, J-p and Hijioka, Y and Hoegh-Guldberg, O and Huang, HQ and Insarov, Ge and Jones, RN and Kovats, RS and Romero-Lankao, P and Larsen, JN and Losada, Ij and Marengo, Ja and McLean, RF and Mearns, Lo and Mechler, R and Morton, JF and Niang, I and Oki, T and Olwoch, JM},
booktitle = {Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change},
doi = {10.1016/j.renene.2009.11.012},
isbn = {0960-1481},
issn = {09601481},
keywords = {adaptation,climate change impacts,vulnerability},
pages = {35--94},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
title = {{Technical summary}},
year = {2014},

输出中没有书名。(bibtex 是由 Mendeley 创建的,为了简单起见,我删除了一些不影响此问题的行)。

CB、Barros、V.、Mach、K.、Mastrandrea、M.、van Aalst、M.、Adger、W.、Arent、D.、Barnett、J.、Betts、R.、Bilir、T.、Birkmann、J.、Carmin、J.、Chadee、D.、Challinor、A.、Chatterjee、M.、Cramer、W.、Davidson、D.、Estrada、Y.、Gattuso、J.-p.、Hijioka、Y.、Hoegh-Guldberg、O.、Huang、H.、Insarov、G.、Jones、R.、Kovats、R.、Romero-Lankao、P.、Larsen、J.、Losada、I.、Marengo、J.、McLean、R.、Mearns、L.、Mechler、R.、Morton、J.、Niang、I.、Oki、T. 和 Olwoch、J. (2014)。技术摘要,第 35-94 页。剑桥大学出版社
