如何在一行中插入多个 hspace?

如何在一行中插入多个 hspace?

我试图将多个 hspace 放入一行文本中以获得如下效果:



我的 Latex 代码是这样的:

\hspace{4mm}\textbf{Date Control}  \hspace{4mm}| \hspace{4mm}In the Date Control box the \textit{dateRangeInput()} function has been inserted, where the customer can select by clicking on the left and right date between a date period (from - to).\\



\usepackage{lipsum} %


\lipsum[1] %
\noindent\hspace{4mm}\textbf{Date Control} \hspace{4mm}| \hspace{4mm}\parbox[t]{\linegoal}{In the Date Control box the \textit{dateRangeInput()} function has been inserted, where the customer can select by clicking on the left and right date between a date period (from - to).\\}

Date Control & In the Date Control box the \textit{dateRangeInput()} function has been inserted, where the customer can select by clicking on the left and right date between a date period (from - to).\\







\usepackage{lipsum} % for making dummy text. only for example

\usepackage{enumitem} % for customizing lists
\SetLabelAlign{leftwithbar}{#1\quad|\quad} % (ab)use this to add the vertical bar. A \quad is horizontal space, same as \hspace{1em}
\newlist{mydesc}{description}{1} % create a new list called mydesc, of type "description"
  align=leftwithbar, % use the align-format defined above
  leftmargin=0pt, % indentation for all the lines
  labelindent=1em, % horizontal space before label
  labelsep=0pt % horizontal space after label -- set to zero because we add space via "leftwithbar"
\lipsum[1] % dummy text
  \item[Date Control] In the Date Control box the \textit{dateRangeInput()} function has been inserted, where the customer can select by clicking on the left and right date between a date period (from -- to).
  \item[Something else] Lorem ipsum \dots
Then later in your document, when you need another one like this, just make a new list:
  \item[Foo] Bar
  \item[Baz] Etc.
\lipsum[2] % more dummy text




\begin{tabular}{p{4mm} l p{4mm} | p{9cm}}
& \textbf{Date Control} & & In the Date Control box the \textit{dateRangeInput()} function has been inserted, where the customer can select by clicking on the left and right date between a date period (from - to).

调整 9cm 以获得所需的页面宽度
