我今天才开始使用 Latex,似乎无法充分理解整个图像插入问题。互联网上的解释似乎相对平静且通常很容易,我一步一步地遵循它们,但我输入的代码不起作用。请帮帮我,我非常需要帮助。我刚满 14 岁,这是我的代码:
\title{Party BOD Constitution}
\author{Skander Lejmi}
\includegraphics{ {IMg/coatofarms} }
\paragraph{We The People}
of the Party BOD have produced this paper with the intention of ensuring the tranquillity of upcoming parties, facilitating the proliferation of perfection within these parties, establishing fundamental rules that will hitherto be submitted to and further improve the unity of \textbf{\textit{Party BOD}} are profoundly appreciative of our \textit{Party BOD constitution.}