我需要为使用 TikZ 创建的加权图制作动画,强调每条边一次(暂时将线宽设置为粗)。问题是,更改线宽时边权重会跳跃。为了防止边权重跳跃,我复制了每条边。第一个副本使用细线宽,带有标签,并且始终绘制在背景上。第二个副本使用粗线宽,没有标签,并且仅绘制在某些幻灯片上。
\node (1) at (0,0) {1};
\node (2) at (1,0) {2}
edge node [auto] {1} (1)
edge [thick] (1);
\node (3) at (1,1) {3}
edge node [auto] {2} (2)
edge [thick] (2);
\node (4) at (0,1) {4}
edge node [auto] {3} (3)
edge node [auto, swap] {4} (1)
edge [thick] (3)
edge [thick] (1);
库来实现这一点。这也允许你只绘制一次边缘,这是thick on
我为此目的创建的。我没有看到任何跳跃。正如@Max Snippe 指出的那样,我之前的解决方案中存在微小的跳跃。鉴于此,我仍然相信你最初的想法是最经济的提议之一。我添加了另一个以供比较。
thick on/.style={alt={#1{thick}{thin}}},
ultra thick on/.style={alt={#1{line width=3mm}{thin}}}
\frametitle{An animation with the overlay-beamer-styles library}
\node (1) at (0,0) {1};
\node (2) at (1,0) {2}
edge node [auto] {1} (1)
edge [thick,visible on=<1>] (1);
\node (3) at (1,1) {3}
edge node [auto] {2} (2)
edge [thick,visible on=<2>] (2);
\node (4) at (0,1) {4}
edge node [auto] {3} (3)
edge node [auto, swap] {4} (1)
edge [thick,visible on=<3>] (3)
edge [thick,visible on=<4>] (1);
\node (1) at (0,0) {1};
\node (2) at (1,0) {2}
edge [thick on=<1>] (1) (2) --(1) node [midway,auto]{1} ;
\node (3) at (1,1) {3}
edge [thick,thick on=<2>] (2) (3) -- node [midway,auto] {2} (2);
\node (4) at (0,1) {4}
edge [thick,thick on=<3>] (3)
edge [thick,thick on=<4>] (1)
(4) -- node [midway,auto] {3} (3)
(4) -- node [midway,auto, swap] {4} (1);
\node (1) at (0,0) {1};
\node (2) at (1,0) {2}
edge [ultra thick on=<1>] (1) (2) --(1) node [midway,auto]{1} ;
\node (3) at (1,1) {3}
edge [ultra thick,ultra thick on=<2>] (2) (3) -- node [midway,auto] {2} (2);
\node (4) at (0,1) {4}
edge [ultra thick,ultra thick on=<3>] (3)
edge [ultra thick,ultra thick on=<4>] (1)
(4) -- node [midway,auto] {3} (3)
(4) -- node [midway,auto, swap] {4} (1);
尽管我同意@marmot的观点,即大多数情况下更简单的解决方案更好,但我会添加此答案作为替代方案,因为只需绘制一次边缘即可完成此操作(带有相当繁琐的装饰)。 此解决方案确实需要库decorations.pathreplacing
thick on/.style={line width=0.4pt,alt={#1{decoration={show path construction, lineto code={\draw[thick] (\tikzinputsegmentfirst) -- (\tikzinputsegmentlast);}},decorate}{}}},
\frametitle{An animation with the overlay-beamer-styles library}
\node (1) at (0,0) {1};
\node (2) at (1,0) {2}
edge node [auto] {1} (1)
edge [thick] (1);
\node (3) at (1,1) {3}
edge node [auto] {2} (2)
edge [thick] (2);
\node (4) at (0,1) {4}
edge node [auto] {3} (3)
edge node [auto, swap] {4} (1)
edge [thick] (3)
edge [thick] (1);
\node (1) at (0,0) {1};
\node (2) at (1,0) {2};
\node (3) at (1,1) {3};
\node (4) at (0,1) {4};
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={auto,swap,midway}]
\draw[thick on=<1>] (1) -- node{1} (2);
\draw[thick on=<2>] (2) -- node{2} (3);
\draw[thick on=<3>] (3) -- node{3} (4);
\draw[thick on=<4>] (4) -- node{4} (1);