textwidth = 80em
\begin{tikzpicture}[grow'=right, sibling distance=4ex]
\tikzstyle{level 1} = [level distance= 20em]
\tikzstyle{level 2} = [level distance= 28em]
\tikzstyle{level 3} = [level distance= 30em]
\tikzstyle{edge from parent} = [draw, edge from parent path={(\tikzchildnode.west) -- ++(-2em,0) |- (\tikzparentnode.east)}]
% \tikzstyle{edge from parent} = [draw, edge from parent fork right]
\tikzstyle{nd0} = [draw=black, minimum width=8em, text width=10em, align=center]
\tikzstyle{nd1} = [draw=black, minimum width=8em, text width=20em, align=center]
\tikzstyle{nd2} = [draw=black, minimum width=8em, text width=26em, align=left]
\tikzstyle{every tree node} = [fill=red!30, font=\bfseries]
\tikzstyle{done} = [fill=green!30]
\tikzstyle{doing} = [fill=cyan!30]
\tikzstyle{not} = [fill=red!30]
% [ .\node [nd0, doing] {\tikzname\ \& PGF \\ \pgfversion\ \\ 中文手册};
[ .\node [nd0, doing] {\tikzname\ \& PGF \\ \pgfversion};
[ . \node [nd1, doing] {Introduction};
[ . \node [nd2, done] {The Layers Below \tikzname}; ]
[ . \node [nd2, doing] {Comparison with Other Graphics Packages}; ]
[ . \node [nd2, not] {Utility Packages}; ]
[ . \node [nd2, not] {How to Read This Manual}; ]
[ . \node [nd2, not] {Authors and Acknowledgements}; ]
[ . \node [nd2, not] {Getting Help}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Tutorials and Guidelines};
[ . \node [nd2] {Tutorial: A Picture for Karl's Students}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Tutorial: A Petri-Net for Hagen}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Tutorial: Euclid's Amber Version of the Elements}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Tutorial: Diagrams as Simple Graphs}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Tutorial: A Lecture Map for Johannes}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Tutorial: Guidelines on Graphics}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Installation and Configurations};
[ . \node [nd2] {Installation}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Licenses and Copyright}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Supported Formats}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Ti\emph{k}Z ist \emph{kein} Zeichenprogramm};
[ . \node [nd2] {Design Principles}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Hierarchical Structures: \\ Package, Environments, Scopes, and Styles}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Specifying Coordinates}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Syntax for Path Specifications}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Actions on Paths}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Arrows}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Nodes and Edges}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Pics: Small Pictures on Paths}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Specifying Graphs}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Matrices and Alignment}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Making Trees Grow}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Plots of Functions}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Transparency}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Decorated Paths}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Transformations}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Graph Drawing};
[ . \node [nd2] {Introduction to Algorithmic Graph Drawing}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Using Graph Drawing in \tikzname}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Using Graph Drawing in PGF}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Graph Drawing Layouts: Trees}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Graph Drawing Algorithms: Layered Layouts}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Graph Drawing Algorithms: Force-Based Methods}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Graph Drawing Algorithms: Circular Layouts}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Graph Drawing Layouts: Phylogenetic Trees}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Graph Drawing Algorithms: Edge Routing}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {The Algorithm Layer}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Writing Graph Drawing Algorithms in C}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {The Display Layer}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {The Binding Layer}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Libraries};
[ . \node [nd2] {Angle Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Arrow Tip Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Automata Drawing Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Babel Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Background Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Calc Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Calendar Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Chains}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Circuit Libraries}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Decoration Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Entity-Relationship Diagram Drawing Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Externalization Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Fading Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Fitting Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Fixed Point Arithmetic Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Floating Point Unit Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Lindenmayer System Drawing Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Math Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Matrix Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Mindmap Drawing Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Paper Folding Diagrams Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Pattern Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Petri-Net Drawing Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Plot Handler Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Plot Mark Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Profiler Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Shadings Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Shadows Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Shape Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Spy Library: Magnifying Parts of Pictures}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {SVG-Path Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {To Path Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Through Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Tree Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Turtle Graphics Library}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Data Visualization};
[ . \node [nd2] {Introduction to Data Visualization}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Creating Data Visualizations}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Providing Data for a Data Visualization}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Axes}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Visualizers}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Style Sheets and Legends}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Polar Axes}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {The Data Visualization Backend}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Utilities};
[ . \node [nd2] {Key Management}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Repeating Things: The Foreach Statement}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Date and Calendar Utility Macros}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Page Management}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Extended Color Support}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Parser Module}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {Mathematical and Objected Engines};
[ . \node [nd2] {Design Principles}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Mathematical Expressions}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Additional Mathematical Commands}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Customizing the Mathematical Engine}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Number Printing}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Object-Oriented Programming}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {The Basic Layer};
[ . \node [nd2] {Design Principles}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Hierarchical Structures: \\ Package, Environments, Scopes, and Text}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Specifying Coordinates}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Constructing Paths}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Decorations}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Using Paths}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Defining New Arrow Tip Kinds}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Nodes and Shapes}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Matrices}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Coordinate, Canvas, and Nonlinear Transformations}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Patterns}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Declaring and Using Images}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Externalizing Graphics}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Creating Plots}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Layered Graphics}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Shadings}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Transparency}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Adding libraries to PGF: temporary registers}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Quick Commands}; ]
[ . \node [nd1] {The System Layer};
[ . \node [nd2] {Design of the System Layer}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {Commands of the System Layer}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {The Soft Path Subsystem}; ]
[ . \node [nd2] {The Protocol Subsystem}; ]
[ . \node [nd1, done] {References and Index}; ]
编译命令是latexmk -pv -xelatex test.tex
如果您需要使用 XeTeX 并且不想减小字体大小,第三个选择是forest
nd0/.style={draw=black, minimum width=8em, text width=10em, align=center},
nd1/.style={draw=black, minimum width=8em, text width=20em, align=center},
nd2/.style={draw=black, minimum width=8em, text width=26em, align=left},
every tree node/.style={fill=red!30, font=\bfseries},
for tree={every tree node, folder, grow'=0}
[\tikzname\ \& PGF\\\pgfversion, nd0, doing
[Introduction, nd1, doing
[The Layers Below \tikzname, nd2, done]
[Comparison with Other Graphics Packages, nd2, doing]
[Utility Packages, nd2, not]
[How to Read This Manual, nd2, not]
[Authors and Acknowledgements, nd2, not]
[Getting Help, nd2, not]
[Tutorials and Guidelines, nd1
[Tutorial: A Picture for Karl's Students, nd2]
[Tutorial: A Petri-Net for Hagen, nd2]
[Tutorial: Euclid's Amber Version of the Elements, nd2]
[Tutorial: Diagrams as Simple Graphs, nd2]
[Tutorial: A Lecture Map for Johannes, nd2]
[Tutorial: Guidelines on Graphics, nd2]
[Installation and Configurations, nd1
[Installation, nd2]
[Licenses and Copyright, nd2]
[Supported Formats, nd2]
[Ti\emph{k}Z ist \emph{kein} Zeichenprogramm, nd1
[Design Principles, nd2]
[Hierarchical Structures:\\{Package, Environments, Scopes, and Styles}, nd2]
[Specifying Coordinates, nd2]
[Syntax for Path Specifications, nd2]
[Actions on Paths, nd2]
[Arrows, nd2]
[Nodes and Edges, nd2]
[Pics: Small Pictures on Paths, nd2]
[Specifying Graphs, nd2]
[Matrices and Alignment, nd2]
[Making Trees Grow, nd2]
[Plots of Functions, nd2]
[Transparency, nd2]
[Decorated Paths, nd2]
[Transformations, nd2]
[Graph Drawing, nd1
[Introduction to Algorithmic Graph Drawing, nd2]
[Using Graph Drawing in \tikzname, nd2]
[Using Graph Drawing in PGF, nd2]
[Graph Drawing Layouts: Trees, nd2]
[Graph Drawing Algorithms: Layered Layouts, nd2]
[Graph Drawing Algorithms: Force-Based Methods, nd2]
[Graph Drawing Algorithms: Circular Layouts, nd2]
[Graph Drawing Layouts: Phylogenetic Trees, nd2]
[Graph Drawing Algorithms: Edge Routing, nd2]
[The Algorithm Layer, nd2]
[Writing Graph Drawing Algorithms in C, nd2]
[The Display Layer, nd2]
[The Binding Layer, nd2]
[Libraries, nd1
[Angle Library, nd2]
[Arrow Tip Library, nd2]
[Automata Drawing Library, nd2]
[Babel Library, nd2]
[Background Library, nd2]
[Calc Library, nd2]
[Calendar Library, nd2]
[Chains, nd2]
[Circuit Libraries, nd2]
[Decoration Library, nd2]
[Entity-Relationship Diagram Drawing Library, nd2]
[Externalization Library, nd2]
[Fading Library, nd2]
[Fitting Library, nd2]
[Fixed Point Arithmetic Library, nd2]
[Floating Point Unit Library, nd2]
[Lindenmayer System Drawing Library, nd2]
[Math Library, nd2]
[Matrix Library, nd2]
[Mindmap Drawing Library, nd2]
[Paper Folding Diagrams Library, nd2]
[Pattern Library, nd2]
[Petri-Net Drawing Library, nd2]
[Plot Handler Library, nd2]
[Plot Mark Library, nd2]
[Profiler Library, nd2]
[Shadings Library, nd2]
[Shadows Library, nd2]
[Shape Library, nd2]
[Spy Library: Magnifying Parts of Pictures, nd2]
[SVG-Path Library, nd2]
[To Path Library, nd2]
[Through Library, nd2]
[Tree Library, nd2]
[Turtle Graphics Library, nd2]
[Data Visualization, nd1
[Introduction to Data Visualization, nd2]
[Creating Data Visualizations, nd2]
[Providing Data for a Data Visualization, nd2]
[Axes, nd2]
[Visualizers, nd2]
[Style Sheets and Legends, nd2]
[Polar Axes, nd2]
[The Data Visualization Backend, nd2]
[Utilities, nd1
[Key Management, nd2]
[Repeating Things: The Foreach Statement, nd2]
[Date and Calendar Utility Macros, nd2]
[Page Management, nd2]
[Extended Color Support, nd2]
[Parser Module, nd2]
[Mathematical and Objected Engines, nd1
[Design Principles, nd2]
[Mathematical Expressions, nd2]
[Additional Mathematical Commands, nd2]
[Customizing the Mathematical Engine, nd2]
[Number Printing, nd2]
[Object-Oriented Programming, nd2]
[The Basic Layer, nd1
[Design Principles, nd2]
[Hierarchical Structures:\\{Package, Environments, Scopes, and Text}, nd2]
[Specifying Coordinates, nd2]
[Constructing Paths, nd2]
[Decorations, nd2]
[Using Paths, nd2]
[Defining New Arrow Tip Kinds, nd2]
[Nodes and Shapes, nd2]
[Matrices, nd2]
[{Coordinate, Canvas, and Nonlinear Transformations}, nd2]
[Patterns, nd2]
[Declaring and Using Images, nd2]
[Externalizing Graphics, nd2]
[Creating Plots, nd2]
[Layered Graphics, nd2]
[Shadings, nd2]
[Transparency, nd2]
[Adding libraries to PGF: temporary registers, nd2]
[Quick Commands, nd2]
[The System Layer, nd1
[Design of the System Layer, nd2]
[Commands of the System Layer, nd2]
[The Soft Path Subsystem, nd2]
[The Protocol Subsystem, nd2]
[References and Index, nd1, done]
latexmk -pv -xelatex test.tex
latexmk -pv -pdf test.tex