

我有使用 pgfplots 中的锚点来访问特定坐标的宏。例如,在图形中,我可以调用如下宏:

   \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis.left of origin) -- (current axis.right of origin);

我希望能够在基本tikzpicture环境中通过手动定义坐标(current axis.left of origin)和来重用此类宏(current axis.right of origin)。问题源于这些是锚点,所以想知道设置这些锚点的最简单方法是什么。


  • 我意识到\DoSomethingWithXAxis这里介绍的方法不是很有趣,而且有更简单的方法可以实现相同的目标。但是,这只是一个 MWE,重点是M的部分MWE

下面的 MWE 已\DoSomethingWithXAxis注释掉第一个tikzpicture,并产生以下内容。期望的结果是tikzpicture轴也通过 变成蓝色\DoSomethingWithXAxis}





    \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis.left of origin) -- (current axis.right of origin);

%% Only specifying one side to ensure that this works with both  
%% manually specified end point and an auto determined one.

    \draw [-latex] (1,0) -- (\XMax,0) node [above, pos=0.5] {tikzpicture};
    %% Don't think these coordinates are being set correctly?
    \coordinate (current axis.left of origin)  at (1,0);
    \coordinate (current axis.right of origin) at (\XMax,0);
    %\DoSomethingWithXAxis;%%% <---- How do this ????
    \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle, samples=50, xmax=\XMax]
        \addplot [mark=none, red, thick] {x*x} node [pos=0.75, right] {pgfplots};



Peter 的方法可以稍微改进一下,\pgfplotsifinaxis只使用 来定义新的坐标,并使用这些坐标完成所有工作。因此,可以得到类似

    \pgfplotsifinaxis{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/17436/4301
        \coordinate (current axis left of origin) at (current axis.left of origin);
        \coordinate (current axis right of origin) at (current axis.right of origin);
    \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis left of origin) -- (current axis right of origin);




    \pgfplotsifinaxis{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/17436/4301
        \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis.left of origin) -- (current axis.right of origin);
        \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis left of origin) -- (current axis right of origin);

当我不在环境中时,我定义了一个current axis left of origin(请注意缺失的) 。.axis



  • 我真的不喜欢这个解决方案,因为它需要每个使用轴末端坐标的宏的两种模式。




    \pgfplotsifinaxis{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/17436/4301
        \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis.left of origin) -- (current axis.right of origin);
        \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis left of origin) -- (current axis right of origin);

%% Only specifying one side to ensure that this works with both  
%% manually specified end point and an auto determined one.

    \draw [-latex] (1,0) -- (\XMax,0) node [above, pos=0.5] {tikzpicture};

    \coordinate (current axis left of origin)  at (1,0);
    \coordinate (current axis right of origin) at (\XMax,0);
    \DoSomethingWithXAxis;%%% <---- Works! BUT I needed to define different coordinate above
    \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle, samples=50, xmax=\XMax]
        \addplot [mark=none, red, thick] {x*x} node [pos=0.75, right] {pgfplots};


这是一个简单的形状和一个命令,可以执行您想要的操作。\dualcoordinate是有限的,它看起来像 TikZ 代码,并且节点始终被命名为current axis。此外,center锚点不在中心。


    \draw [ultra thick, blue] (current axis.left of origin) -- (current axis.right of origin);

% options for the new shape
  second point x/.initial=0,
  second point y/.initial=0,
  second point/.style 2 args={/pgf/second point x=#1,/pgf/second point y=#2},

% to store the origin of the node

% new shape
\pgfdeclareshape{dual coordinate}
    % save the origin of the node, needed for \secondpoint
    % otherwise, it would be relative to the first
    % copied from \pgfdeclareshape{coordinate}
    % x
    % y
    \advance\pgf@y by -.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox%
        {\pgfpointxy{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/second point x}}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/second point y}}}%

  \anchor{left of origin}{\secondpoint}
  \anchor{right of origin}{\firstpoint}
  \anchor{center}{\firstpoint}% necessary to prevent odd errors

  \nodeparts{}% no text

% split to allow space between first and second coordinate
    \node[dual coordinate, second point={#3}{#4}] (current axis)  at (#1,#2) {}%
    % no semicolon here, so it's necessary in the tikz picture

%% Only specifying one side to ensure that this works with both  
%% manually specified end point and an auto determined one.

    \draw [-latex] (1,0) -- (\XMax,0) node [above, pos=0.5] {tikzpicture};

    \dualcoordinate (1,0) (\XMax,0);
    \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle, samples=50, xmax=\XMax]
        \addplot [mark=none, red, thick] {x*x} node [pos=0.75, right] {pgfplots};
