longtable 包使用示例

longtable 包使用示例

我正在尝试使用 longtable 包:

    \caption{$\chi^2$ - Test of UDP Packet Size Sample Measurements}
    \textbf{Bin Interval Lower Bound} & \textbf{Bin Interval Upper Bound} & \textbf{Histogram Count} & \textbf{Expected Count} & \textbf{Cumulative Distribution} & \textbf{$\chi^2$ - Value}
    {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
    \textbf{Bin Interval Lower Bound} & \textbf{Bin Interval Upper Bound} & \textbf{Histogram Count} & \textbf{Expected Count} & \textbf{Cumulative Distribution} & \textbf{$\chi^2$ - Value}
    \hline \multicolumn{6}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\

        1000  & 1003,99 & 102   & 100   & 102   & 0,04 \\
        1004  & 1007,99 & 105   & 100   & 207   & 0,25 \\
        1008  & 1011,99 & 104   & 100   & 311   & 0,16 \\
        1012  & 1015,99 & 104   & 100   & 415   & 0,16 \\


不幸的是,这不起作用。TeXstudio 会抛出一些错误,例如“放错 \omit。\endhead”




\settowidth{\rotheadsize}{\bfseries Upper Bound}


 \caption{$\chi^2$-Test of UDP Packet Size Sample Measurements}
    \rothead{Bin Interval\\ Lower Bound} & \rothead{Bin Interval\\ Upper Bound} & \rothead{Histogram\\ Count} & \rothead{Expected\\ Count} & \rothead{Cumulative\\ Distribution} & \rothead{$\chi^2$-Value} \\
    {\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
    \rothead{Bin Interval\\ Lower Bound} & \rothead{Bin Interval\\ Upper Bound} & \rothead{Histogram\\ Count} & \rothead{Expected\\ Count} & \rothead{Cumulative\\ Distribution} & \rothead{$\chi^2$-Value} \\
    \hline \multicolumn{6}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
        1000 & 1003,99 & 102 & 100 & 102 & 0,04 \\
        1004 & 1007,99 & 105 & 100 & 207 & 0,25 \\
        1008 & 1011,99 & 104 & 100 & 311 & 0,16 \\
        1012 & 1015,99 & 104 & 100 & 415 & 0,16 \\


