如何使用 threeparttable 更改表格注释

如何使用 threeparttable 更改表格注释

请参阅下文,了解我使用的代码及其生成的表格。我如何更改表格下方的文本(即注释),使其不严格位于表格下方,而是延伸得更多?它最多可以是两行,而现在由于表格下方居中,它需要 4 行...

        \caption{standardised factor loadings for the 5-item models for Motivation}
            \begin{tabular}{c c c c c}
            & time 0  & time 1 & time 3 & time 4 \\
            $\lambda_1$     & 0.678 & 0.692 & 0.688 & 0.685  \\
            $\lambda_3$     & 0.499 & 0.516 & 0.610 & 0.573     \\
            $\lambda_4$     & 0.730 & 0.775 & 0.697 & 0.744     \\
            $\lambda_5$     & 0.442 & 0.510 & 0.506 & 0.655       \\
            $\lambda_6$     & 0.876 & 0.781 & 0.856 & 0.828\\
            \item   $\lambda_k$ is the standardised factor loading of item $k$, with the standard error in brackets. All factor loadings were highly significant: $p_{MLR}$ and $p_{MLE}$ <.001.





如果您不需要(或不想!)将tabular环境下方的图例限制在 的宽度内tabular,您可以将图例放在环境之外threeparttable,或者完全摆脱threeparttable机械。



%% first, the original table
\caption{with \texttt{threeparttable}}
\begin{tabular}{@{} ccccc @{}}
    & time 0  & time 1 & time 3 & time 4 \\
    $\lambda_1$ & 0.678 & 0.692 & 0.688 & 0.685  \\
    $\lambda_3$ & 0.499 & 0.516 & 0.610 & 0.573  \\
    $\lambda_4$ & 0.730 & 0.775 & 0.697 & 0.744  \\
    $\lambda_5$ & 0.442 & 0.510 & 0.506 & 0.655  \\
    $\lambda_6$ & 0.876 & 0.781 & 0.856 & 0.828  \\
\item[]$\lambda_k$ is the standardised factor loading of item $k$, 
with the standard error in brackets. All factor loadings were highly 
significant: $p_{\textrm{MLR}}$ and $p_{\textrm{MLE}} <.001$.

%% next, a solution without a 'tablenotes' environment.
\caption{without \texttt{tablenotes}}
\begin{tabular}{@{} ccccc @{}}
    & time 0  & time 1 & time 3 & time 4 \\
    $\lambda_1$ & 0.678 & 0.692 & 0.688 & 0.685  \\
    $\lambda_3$ & 0.499 & 0.516 & 0.610 & 0.573  \\
    $\lambda_4$ & 0.730 & 0.775 & 0.697 & 0.744  \\
    $\lambda_5$ & 0.442 & 0.510 & 0.506 & 0.655  \\
    $\lambda_6$ & 0.876 & 0.781 & 0.856 & 0.828  \\
\end{threeparttable}% important to leave a blank line next:

$\lambda_k$ is the standardised factor loading of item $k$, with the 
standard error in brackets. All factor loadings were highly significant: 
$p_{\textrm{MLR}}$ and $p_{\textrm{MLE}} <.001$.

%% finally, a solution that doesn't employ any part of the `threeparttable` machinery
% \smallskip % optional
\caption{without \texttt{threeparttable}}
\begin{tabular}{@{} ccccc @{}}
    & time 0  & time 1 & time 3 & time 4 \\
    $\lambda_1$ & 0.678 & 0.692 & 0.688 & 0.685  \\
    $\lambda_3$ & 0.499 & 0.516 & 0.610 & 0.573  \\
    $\lambda_4$ & 0.730 & 0.775 & 0.697 & 0.744  \\
    $\lambda_5$ & 0.442 & 0.510 & 0.506 & 0.655  \\
    $\lambda_6$ & 0.876 & 0.781 & 0.856 & 0.828  \\

$\lambda_k$ is the standardised factor loading of item $k$, with the 
standard error in brackets. All factor loadings were highly significant: 
$p_{\textrm{MLR}}$ and $p_{\textrm{MLE}}<.001$.

