



\begin我定义了一个环境。我想在标签和中包含的内容之上添加 10pt 的垂直空间\end


  { \vspace{10pt} }

https://fr.sharelatex.com/learn/Environments#Defining_simple_environments:在 \newcommand 之后的括号之间,您必须写上环境的名称,如示例中的方框所示。下面是两对括号。第一对括号内设置了您的新环境将执行的操作内的文本,然后在第二对括号内声明新环境在文本之后将做什么。




% Test 1 and 2
% Please note the blank line just above the block "{ \vspace{10pt} }"

  { \vspace{10pt} }

% Test 3
% Please note the absence of a blank line just above the block "{ \vspace{10pt} }"
  { \vspace{10pt} }

% Test 4
% The presence of a blanck line between the upper box and the block "{ \vspace{10pt} }" is very important.
% How to insert this blanck line in the block that contains the LaTeX code that is inserted before the text
% when the environment is used ? (https://fr.sharelatex.com/learn/Environments#Defining_a_new_environment)

     \vspace{10pt} }


    % Test 1
    % There is no blank line before "\begin{sectionContent1}".
    % The result is not what I expect it to be. The vertical space between the bottom 
    % of the upper box and the text within the section is too high (it should be 10pt).

    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{Before the section} 
       \textbf{Test 1}: in the section. The vertical space between the bottom of the upper box and the text
       within the section is too high (it should be 10pt).
    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{After the section}

    % Test 2
    % There is a blank line before "\begin{sectionContent1}".
    % The result is what I expect it to be.

    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{Before the section}

       \textbf{Test 2}: in the section. The result is what I expect it to be.
    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{After the section}

    % Test 3
    % There is a blank line before "\begin{sectionContent2}".
    % The result is what I expect it to be.

    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{Before the section}

       \textbf{Test 3}: in the section. The result is what I expect it to be.
    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{After the section}

    % Test 4
    % I tried to put the blank line in the environment definition.
    % But it does not work.

    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{Before the section}
       \textbf{Test 4}: in the section.
    \framebox[\textwidth][c]{After the section}



生成的 PDF 文件可以在以下位置找到:此永久链接


% A blank line before the first block

  { \vspace{10pt} }


% A blank line within the first block.
     \vspace{10pt} }

最重要的似乎是有一个空白行使用前环境。 那是:

\framebox[\textwidth][c]{Before the section}

   \textbf{Test 2}: in the section. 
\framebox[\textwidth][c]{After the section}


\framebox[\textwidth][c]{Before the section}

   \textbf{Test 3}: in the section.
\framebox[\textwidth][c]{After the section}




您能解释一下块内出现的空行发生了什么吗{ ... \vspace{10pt} }


文件 ”类.cls

\ProvidesClass{class}[1995/10/30 Standard LaTeX minimal class]

% This class "article" defines many important things.
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/440462/hline-does-not-produce-anything/440468#440468

% [geometry] This package provides a flexible and easy interface to page dimensions.
            % We set the dimensions of the left and right margins.
            % We set the dimensions of the top and bottom margins.

% We (must) redefine the font size named "normalsize" (this is mandatory).
% Please note that LaTeX defines other names for font sizes (for example: tiny, small...).
% See https://www.sharelatex.com/learn/Font_sizes,_families,_and_styles#Reference_guide
% WARNING: Make sure to redefine the command "\normalsize" before loading the package "fontspec".



  • \newenvironment期望参数,但你只提供了两个。



  • 您必须小心定义中的空格。一些空格会被消耗(根据固定规则),但一些空格会保留下来,并会导致 TeX 进入水平模式。请注意,\vspace只有当 TeX 处于垂直模式时,该命令才会立即生效;否则空格会被延迟,直到 TeX 再次处于垂直模式。更清晰的定义如下。

    \newenvironment{sectionContent}{% The comment sign ensures that there is no extra space
      % The next \par ensures that we are in vertical mode
      \par% Here the comment sign is not really needed as TeX gobbles the space after an ordinary macro name anyway
      \vspace{10pt}% As it happens, \vspace gobbles the space following it, but in general you can't be sure what a macro does; better safe than sorry.
    }{% This is the code for the end of the environment. Obligatory!
      \par% This \par ensures that the text following the env starts a new paragraph
  • 小心使用括号 ( {, })。它们会影响命令的范围,但也可能引入额外的空格。TeX 代码

    word{ { \vspace{10pt} } }word


  • 请注意, 产生的空格\vspace将在页面的开头或结尾消失,这可能是有道理的,因为没有任何东西可以将文本与文本分开。如果您无论如何都想有空格,请使用\vspace*
