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\begin{custom}{Custom Title}[optional words]\label{A}


Even though I've been teaching for n! years, every class is a fresh
adventure -- An adventure. That word is a euphemism for the stark reality,
which is that every class contains some totally shocking development
that I have never seen before and haven't any idea how to cope with.

Just last year, for the first time in many years, I taught a section
of the junior-level mathematical analysis course. You know --  the one
where students meet proofs in analysis for the first time. The one where
students and epsilons meet, eyeball to eyeball, and it isn't the epsilons
that blink. The one where students decide that they really wanted to be
doctors and lawyers after all.


Here are the references: \ref{A} and \ref{B}.




如果我尝试删除默认值,则会收到错误消息;! Argument of \label has an extra }.如果我不使用标签,则会收到此错误消息:




\begin{custom}{Custom Title}[optional words]\label{A}










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\begin{custom}{Custom Title}[optional words]\label{A}

Even though I've been teaching for n! years, every class is a fresh
adventure -- An adventure. That word is a euphemism for the stark reality,
which is that every class contains some totally shocking development
that I have never seen before and haven't any idea how to cope with.

Just last year, for the first time in many years, I taught a section
of the junior-level mathematical analysis course. You know --  the one
where students meet proofs in analysis for the first time. The one where
students and epsilons meet, eyeball to eyeball, and it isn't the epsilons
that blink. The one where students decide that they really wanted to be
doctors and lawyers after all.

This is not numbered.

Here are the references: \ref{A} and \ref{B}.






\newtheoremstyle{jessica}% name
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\keys_define:nn { jessica/custom }
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\begin{custom}[name=Custom Title,attr=optional words]\label{A}

Even though I've been teaching for n! years, every class is a fresh
adventure -- An adventure. That word is a euphemism for the stark reality,
which is that every class contains some totally shocking development
that I have never seen before and haven't any idea how to cope with.

Just last year, for the first time in many years, I taught a section
of the junior-level mathematical analysis course. You know --  the one
where students meet proofs in analysis for the first time. The one where
students and epsilons meet, eyeball to eyeball, and it isn't the epsilons
that blink. The one where students decide that they really wanted to be
doctors and lawyers after all.

This is not numbered.

Here are the references: \ref{A} and \ref{B}.







\newtheoremstyle{jessica}% name
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\begin{custom}{Custom Title}[optional words]\label{A}

Even though I've been teaching for n! years, every class is a fresh
adventure -- An adventure. That word is a euphemism for the stark reality,
which is that every class contains some totally shocking development
that I have never seen before and haven't any idea how to cope with.

Just last year, for the first time in many years, I taught a section
of the junior-level mathematical analysis course. You know --  the one
where students meet proofs in analysis for the first time. The one where
students and epsilons meet, eyeball to eyeball, and it isn't the epsilons
that blink. The one where students decide that they really wanted to be
doctors and lawyers after all.

This is not numbered.

Here are the references: \ref{A} and \ref{B}.







\newtheoremstyle{jessica}% name
  {\topsep}%      Space above
  {\topsep}%      Space below
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\keys_define:nn { jessica/custom }
  number   .bool_set:N         = \l_jessica_custom_numbered_bool,
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   { \endjessicacustom }
   { \endjessicacustomnonumber }




\begin{custom}[name=Custom Title,attr=optional words]\label{A}

Even though I've been teaching for n! years, every class is a fresh
adventure -- An adventure. That word is a euphemism for the stark reality,
which is that every class contains some totally shocking development
that I have never seen before and haven't any idea how to cope with.

Just last year, for the first time in many years, I taught a section
of the junior-level mathematical analysis course. You know --  the one
where students meet proofs in analysis for the first time. The one where
students and epsilons meet, eyeball to eyeball, and it isn't the epsilons
that blink. The one where students decide that they really wanted to be
doctors and lawyers after all.

This is not numbered.

Here are the references: \ref{A} and \ref{B}.





\begin{custom}{Custom Title}[optional words]

。尽管 -environment 的第一个参数custom短语{Custom Title}嵌套在花括号中,但实际上它也是一个可选参数。



已经有人建议你使用一些 keyval 接口。



您已定义了一个名为 的环境custom,以及另一个名为 的环境custom*

您不需要直接向 -macro 提供\begin其中一个<environment-names>参数,而是可以调用该宏\Customtitle


\Customtitle[<Custom title>]{<environment-name>}
 ; <environment-name>  = custom  or  custom*


First example:


Second example:

  \begin{custom}[optional words]

Third example:

  \begin{\Customtitle[<Custom title>]{custom}}

Fourth example:

  \begin{\Customtitle[<Custom title>]{custom}}[optional words]

Fifth example - this is equivalent to the first example:


Sixth example - this is equivalent to the second example:

  \begin{\Customtitle{custom}}[optional words]


Seventh example:


Eighth example:

  \begin{custom*}[optional words]

Nineth example:

  \begin{\Customtitle[<Custom title>]{custom*}}

Tenth example:

  \begin{\Customtitle[<Custom title>]{custom*}}[optional words]

Eleventh example - this is equivalent to the seventh example:


Twelveth example - this is equivalent to the eighth example:

  \begin{\Customtitle{custom*}}[optional words]




\newtheoremstyle{fctaylor}% name
  {\topsep}%      Space above
  {\topsep}%      Space below
  {\normalfont}%         Body font
  {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
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\AtBeginDocument{\setlength\fctaylortheoremindent{3em}} % <- customize here
\AtBeginDocument{\setlength\fctaylorlabelsep{1em}} % <- customize here

    \@ifnotempty{#3}{ (#3)}%
    \phantomsection%%% THIS LINE ADDED




    \def\reserved@a{\@latex@error{Environment #2 undefined}\@eha}%
  \csname reserved@a%




\begin{custom}[optional words]\label{C}

\begin{\Customtitle{custom}}[optional words]\label{D}

\begin{\Customtitle[Custom Title]{custom}}\label{E}

\begin{\Customtitle[Custom Title]{custom}}[optional words]\label{F}




\begin{custom*}[optional words]\label{I}

\begin{\Customtitle{custom*}}[optional words]\label{J}

\begin{\Customtitle[Custom Title]{custom*}}\label{K}

\begin{\Customtitle[Custom Title]{custom*}}[optional words]\label{L}


Here are the references:\bigskip

Here the hyperlinks go to the hyperlink-anchors created by the 
theorems via \verb|\phantompage| while textual phrases denote 
the numbers of the theorems. As the counter of \verb|custom|-theorems
is bound do the chapter counter, the theorem-numbers are of pattern
\verb|<chapter>.<theorem>|. With \verb|<chapter>=0| you get the
pattern \verb|0.<theorem>|:\bigskip

\ref{A} and \ref{B} and \ref{C} and \ref{D} and \ref{E}
and \ref{F}.\bigskip

Here the hyperlinks go to the hyperlink-anchors created by the
theorems via \verb|\phantompage| while textual phrases denote
the number of the section in question as \verb|custom*|-theorems
don't have a counter. We are in chapter 0, section 1, thus the
section number is 0.1, thus you always get \verb|0.1|:\bigskip

\ref{G} and \ref{H} and \ref{I} and \ref{J} and \ref{K}
and \ref{L}.

