

我正在使用大学指定的类文件,它将整个文档的行距设置为双倍。但是,我希望表格下方的注释为单倍行距,而由于类文件的设置,它们当前是双倍行距。以下是 MWE:

\documentclass[oneside,final, letterpaper]{ucr}
\usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} %Package required to write notes under the table.


    \caption{Regressions Using Cross-sectional Data}
        \begin{tabular}{lcc} \toprule
                     & (1) & (2) \\
            VARIABLES & Real GDP pc & Real GDP pc \\ 
                      & Growth (1970-1990) & Growth (1970-1999) \\ 
                    &  &  \\
            SXP & -0.0431* & -0.0375* \\
             & (0.0181) & (0.0159) \\
            Initial Log Real GDP pc & 0.000809 & 0.00152 \\
                                             & (0.00177) & (0.00155) \\
            Open & 0.000147* & 0.000155*  \\
             & (5.80e-05) & (4.85e-05)  \\
            Log Investment pc (1970-1990) & 0.0101* & 0.00826*  \\
             & (0.00356) & (0.00312) \\
            Constant & -0.0226 & -0.0255* \\
             & (0.0139) & (0.0121) \\
             &  &  \\
            Observations & 104 & 104 \\
             R-squared & 0.189 & 0.228 \\ \hline
          \item Note: All the variables except Initial Log Real GDP pc in column 1 are averaged over the period 1970-1990, and in column 2 are averaged over the period 1970-1995. Standard errors in parentheses. * p$<$0.05. 

\caption{Calibrated parameter values (continued)}
\begin{tabular}{c c c} \toprule
Parameter & Parameter definition & Calibrated value \\ \midrule \midrule \al
$\gamma_\pi$ & Sensitivity of interest to inflation & 2.43 \\ \al
$\phi_{TR_{ss}}$ & Government Transfer to GDP ratio & 0.01 \\ \al
$\phi_{B_{ss}}$ & Public debt to GDP ratio & 1 \\ \al
$\phi_{I_{ss}}^G$ & Public investment to GDP ratio & 0.02 \\ \al
$\gamma_G$ & Government consumption persistence & 0 \\ \al
$\gamma_{I}^G$ & Persistence of public investment & 0.1 \\ \al
$\gamma_{TR}$ & Persistence of income transfer & 0.1 \\ \al
$\gamma_{\tau^c}$ & Persistence of consumption tax & 0 \\ \al
$\gamma_{\tau^l}$ & Persistence of labor income tax & 0 \\ \al
$\gamma_{\tau^k}$ & Persistence of capital income tax & 0 \\ \al
$\phi_G$ & Government consumption to debt ratio & 0 \\ \al
$\phi_{I}^G$ & Public investment to debt ratio & -0.1 \\ \al
$\phi_TR$ & Government transfer to debt ratio & -0.1 \\ \al
$\phi_{\tau^c}$ & Consumption tax to debt ratio & 0 \\ \al
$\phi_{\tau^l}$ & Labor income tax to debt ratio & 0 \\ \al
$\phi_{\tau^k}$ & Capital income tax to debt ratio & 0 \\ \al
$\eta$ & Labor tax schedule level & 0.7 \\ \al 
$\phi_n$ & Labor tax schedule slope & 0.3 \\ \al



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\setstretch ...ef \baselinestretch {#1}\@currsize
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of your error message was never \def'ed.


PS 我的大学建议的 LaTex 模板可以从这里下载:http://graduate.ucr.edu/filingresources.html



解决方法:\linespread{1}在 之前使用\small。如果没有\small则应该是\linespread{1}\selectfont

\documentclass[oneside,final, letterpaper]{ucr}


    \caption{Regressions Using Cross-sectional Data}
        \begin{tabular}{lcc} \toprule
                     & (1) & (2) \\
            VARIABLES & Real GDP pc & Real GDP pc \\ 
                      & Growth (1970-1990) & Growth (1970-1999) \\ 
                    &  &  \\
            SXP & $-$0.0431* & $-$0.0375* \\
             & (0.0181) & (0.0159) \\
            Initial Log Real GDP pc & 0.000809 & 0.00152 \\
                                             & (0.00177) & (0.00155) \\
            Open & 0.000147* & 0.000155*  \\
             & (5.80e$-$05) & (4.85e$-$05)  \\
            Log Investment pc (1970-1990) & 0.0101* & 0.00826*  \\
             & (0.00356) & (0.00312) \\
            Constant & $-$0.0226 & $-$0.0255* \\
             & (0.0139) & (0.0121) \\
             &  &  \\
            Observations & 104 & 104 \\
             R-squared & 0.189 & 0.228 \\ \hline
          \item\hspace*{-\fontdimen2\font}Note: All the variables except
            Initial Log Real GDP pc in column 1 are averaged over the period
            1970-1990, and in column 2 are averaged over the period 1970-1995.
            Standard errors in parentheses. *~$p<0.05$. 




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      \item Note: All the variables except Initial Log Real GDP pc in column 1 are averaged over the period 1970-1990, and in column 2 are averaged over the period 1970-1995. Standard errors in parentheses. * p$<$0.05.

enter image description here
