如何在 revtex 中使用 \subfloat 获取合理的子标题

如何在 revtex 中使用 \subfloat 获取合理的子标题

我知道 documentclass与(和)包revtex4-1不兼容,因此在使用captionsubcaptionsubfig包我需要添加选项[caption=false],详细说明如下卡尔科勒埃格尔

但是,即使选择了此选项,[caption=false]我仍然会得到未对齐的副标题。主标题对齐得很好,但长副标题却不是。另一方面,将对齐方式更改为 可以[justification=raggedright]按预期工作。其他\documentclass{article}一切都很好。

有什么方法可以使长_sub_captions 对齐吗revtex4-1


% \documentclass{article}  % works with docclass article but not with revtex
% raggedright works, justified does not


    \subfloat[Long text here. Long text here. Long irregular text here. 
    More irregular text here. Long text here. Broken up with some other words. 
    Trying to show the ragged effect left and right. 
    Addsomeveryextremelylongwords tomakethingsworse andthus moreclear.]
    \subfloat[Long text here. Long text here. Long irregular text here. 
    More irregular text here. Long text here. Broken up with some other words. 
    Trying to show the ragged effect left and right. 
    Addsomeveryextremelylongwords tomakethingsworse andthus moreclear.]
    \caption{Large caption spanning both subfigures. 
    This caption actually is justified as it is supposed to be. 
    Unfortunately the same does not go for the subcaptions above 
    which are not justified. Using ``raggedright'' in the captionsetup 
    actually works also on the subcaptions. ``justified'' however does not.}





因此,该软件包只是假定对齐是默认设置,因此不会采取任何措施来强制执行它 - 这在使用 REVTeX 时似乎是错误的。


\usepackage[caption=false]{subfig} % loads caption3
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for the \justifying macro






% \documentclass{article}  % works with docclass article but not with revtex
\usepackage[caption=false, justification=centerlast]{subfig}
% raggedright works, justified does not

\onecolumngrid% Mind one empty line below

    % \centering
    \subfloat[Long text here. Long text here. Long irregular text here.
    More irregular text here. Long text here. Broken up with some other words.
    Trying to show the ragged effect left and right.
    Addsomeveryextremelylongwords tomakethingsworse andthus moreclear.]
    \subfloat[Long text here. Long text here. Long irregular text here.
    More irregular text here. Long text here. Broken up with some other words.
    Trying to show the ragged effect left and right.
    Addsomeveryextremelylongwords tomakethingsworse andthus moreclear.]
    \caption{Large caption spanning both subfigures.
    This caption actually is justified as it is supposed to be.
    Unfortunately the same does not go for the subcaptions above
    which are not justified. Using ``raggedright'' in the captionsetup
    actually works also on the subcaptions. ``justified'' however does not.}


结果: 两个子图并排放置,下方有对齐的标题

如果您尝试在 中使用subfloat或,phantomcaptionrevtex这个答案可能会对你有帮助。
