Excel2Latex 表格格式问题

Excel2Latex 表格格式问题

我正在使用 excel2latex,然后将表格插入到 latex 文档中。

我可以让表格在 Word 或 Excel 中看起来很完美,但在转换过程中,表格却出现了倾斜,并且其中有一列偏了。




% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
  \caption{Add caption}
    \multicolumn{6}{c}{Table I} \\
    \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{Summary Statistics, Monthly Excess Stock Returns}} \\
    \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{S\&P 500 and US XYZ}} \\
    \multicolumn{6}{p{44.22em}}{This table reports summary statistics for XYZ currency excess returns (in percent) for industrialized countries. The excess return is the return on the broad market index and 123 XYZ in excess of the three-month US treasury bill rate. Data are from DataSource. FRED, Federal Reserve Economics Data. Blank Text. } \bigstrut[b]\\
          & Mean  & Std.  &       & Mean  & Std. \bigstrut\\
    \textcolor[rgb]{ 0,  .439,  .753}{\textbf{S\&P 500}} & 0.01  & 9.24  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \bigstrut[t]\\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.52  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.98  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.1   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.21  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.9   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.87  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.14  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.35  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.31  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 8.61  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.1   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 9.42  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 10.83 & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.3   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 5.73  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.59  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.23  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.69  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 4.77  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 9.29  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 10.52 & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.53  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 8.13  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\

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\newtheorem {axiom}[theorem]{Axiom} \newtheorem {case}[theorem]{Case}
\newtheorem {claim}[theorem]{Claim} \newtheorem {conclusion}[theorem]{Conclusion}
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\newtheorem {definition}[theorem]{Definition} \newtheorem {example}[theorem]{Example}
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    <author> A. U. Thor
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      University of Stewart Island
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      <sectiontitle>Standard <texlogo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
name="latex">L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X</texlogo> Article
      <bodyText>This document illustrates the appearance of an article created with the shell <bold>
Standard <texlogo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
name="latex">L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X</texlogo> Article</bold> or the shell <bold> Blank -
Standard <texlogo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
name="latex">L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X</texlogo> Article</bold>. Both shells produce
documents with centered title information, left-justified headings, theorem environments, and
      <bodyText>The standard <texlogo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
name="latex">L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X</texlogo> shells provide the most general and portable set
of document features. You can achieve almost any typesetting effect by beginning with a standard
shell and adding    <texlogo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
name="latex">L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X</texlogo> packages as necessary.
      <bodyText>The document class base file for this shell is <typewriter>article.cls</typewriter>.
      <bodyText><texb name="Table1" pre="0" pri="0"><![CDATA[% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from
sheet 'Sheet1' \begin{table}[htbp]   \centering     \begin{tabular}{cccccc}
    \multicolumn{6}{c}{Table I} \\
    \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{Summary Statistics, Monthly Excess
Stock Returns}} \\     \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{S\&P 500 and US XYZ}} \\
    \multicolumn{6}{p{44.22em}}{This table reports summary statistics for XYZ currency excess
returns (in percent) for industrialized countries. The excess return is the return on the broad
market index and 123 XYZ in excess of the three-month US treasury bill rate. Data are from
DataSource. FRED, Federal Reserve Economics Data. Blank Text. } \bigstrut[b]\\
    \hline           & Mean  & Std.  &       & Mean  & Std. \bigstrut\\
    \textcolor[rgb]{ 0,  .439,  .753}{\textbf{S\&P 500}} & 0.01  & 9.24  & S\&P 500 &
0.01  & 0.01 \bigstrut[t]\\     S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.52  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.98  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.1   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.21  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.9   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.87  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.14  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.35  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.31  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 8.61  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.1   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 9.42  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 10.83 & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.3   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 5.73  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.59  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.23  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.69  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 4.77  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 9.29  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 10.52 & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.53  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 8.13  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\     \end{tabular}%
  \label{tab:addlabel}% \end{table}%]]></texb>





% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'

\caption{Summary Statistics, Monthly Excess Stock Returns} 
\caption*{\textbf{S\&P 500 and US XYZ}

This table reports summary statistics for XYZ currency excess returns (in percent) for industrialized countries. The excess return is the return on the broad market index and 123 XYZ in excess of the three-month US treasury bill rate. Data are from DataSource. FRED, Federal Reserve Economics Data. Blank Text.}

          & Mean  & Std.  &       & Mean  & Std. \\
    \textcolor[rgb]{ 0,  .439,  .753}{\textbf{S\&P 500}} & 0.01  & 9.24  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.52  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.98  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.1   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.21  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.9   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.87  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.14  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.35  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.31  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 8.61  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.1   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 9.42  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 10.83 & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.3   & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 5.73  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.59  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.23  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 7.69  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 4.77  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 9.29  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 10.52 & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 6.53  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 8.13  & S\&P 500 & 0.01  & 0.01 \\




  • 作为起点我使用答案总干事
  • 显然你喜欢让表格占据整个文本宽度(对我来说不太好)
  • 我建议将数字对齐到小数点(通常我使用S包中的列类型siunitx
  • 对于水平线使用规则来自包booktabs

    \usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
    \captionsetup[table]{justification=centering, labelsep=newline, font=bf, skip=1ex} 
    \caption{Summary Statistics, Monthly Excess Stock Returns S\&P 500 and US XYZ}
    This table reports summary statistics for XYZ currency excess returns (in percent) for industrialized countries. The excess return is the return on the broad market index and 123 XYZ in excess of the three-month US treasury bill rate. Data are from DataSource. FRED, Federal Reserve Economics Data. Blank Text.
        \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ C *{2}{S[table-format=2.2]}
                                      C *{2}{S[table-format=2.2]}
                & \mcx{Mean}& {Std.}    &           & \mcx{Mean}& \mcx{Std.} \\
    \textcolor{cyan}{\textbf{S\&P 500}}
                & 0.01      & 9.24      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.52      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.98      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.1       & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.21      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 6.9       & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.87      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 6.14      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.35      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 6.31      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 8.61      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 6.1       & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 9.42      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 10.83     & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.3       & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 5.73      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.59      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.23      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 7.69      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 4.77      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 9.29      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 10.52     & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 6.53      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 8.13      & S\&P 500  & 0.01      & 0.01 \\
    S\&P 500    & 0.01      & 5.83      &      RF   & 0.01      & 0.01 \\

