

实际上,我想像图中这样放大文本,并稍微减少行距 在此处输入图片描述

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\journal{Journal of \LaTeX\ Templates}




\title{Title of the paper hipilihoplaaa}

\author{Author 1\corref{cor}}
\ead{[email protected]}
\author{Author 2\corref{}}
\author{Author 3\corref{}}

\address{adress of the university}

\cortext[cor]{Corresponding author}

elsevier’s elsarticle document class and templates can be used by academics 
to write and submit journal articles to all Elsevier journals. There are 
presently over 2,700 journals published by Elsevier with over 250,000 
articles published per year. Popular journals include Cell, The Lancet, 
Lancet Infectious Diseases and Lancet Neurology but a complete list of all 
Elsevier journals can be found here. Elsevier explicitly state that this 
class and templates are their preferred format for articles submitted to all 
of their journals.lsevier’s elsarticle document class and templates can be 
used by academics to write and submit journal articles to all Elsevier 
journals. There are presently over 2,700 journals published by Elsevier with 
over 250,000 articles published per year. Popular journals include Cell, The 
Lancet, Lancet Infectious Diseases and Lancet Neurology but a complete list 
of all Elsevier journals can be found here. Elsevier explicitly state that 
this class and templates are their preferred format for articles submitted t 
o all of their journals.lsevier’s elsarticle document class and templates 
can be used by academics to write and submit journal articles to all 
Elsevier journals. There are presently over 2,700 journals published by 
Elsevier with over 250,000 articles published per year. Popular journals 
include Cell, The Lancet, Lancet Infectious Diseases and Lancet Neurology 

\begin{keyword} keyword1, keyword 2,  keyword 3,  keyword 4,  keyword 5.



