


\begin{longtable}{|c|c|} \hline
\raisebox{-.5\height}{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{Thesis/figures/ALICE.jpg}} & \parbox[t]{10cm}{\centering \textbf{ALICE} is designed to study heavy-ions collisions. It is mostly focusing on study of the quark-gluon plasma. \strut}  \\\hline   \raisebox{-.5\height}{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{Thesis/figures/Alpha.jpg}} & \parbox[t]{10cm}{ \textbf{ALPHA} is working on trapped antihidrogen atoms. The precise measurement of hydrogen and antihydrogen may allows to understand the fundamental symmetries between matter and antimatter. \strut}  \\\hline
\raisebox{-.5\height}{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{Thesis/figures/AMS.jpeg}} & \parbox[t]{10cm}{ \textbf{AMS} is a particle detector that looks for dark matter, antimatter and missing matter. It is attached to the International Space Station. \strut}  \\\hline


结果如下: 在此处输入图片描述





借助该软件包,adjustwidth你可以将图像基线移动到其中心,还可以在图像上方和下方添加垂直空间。更短的代码是Gin使用 Skillmon 的 hack 提供的键这个答案

\usepackage{array, longtable}


    \expandafter\patchcmd\csname Gin@ii\endcsname   % needed etoolbox
      {\setkeys {Gin}{#1}}
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          {width=\linewidth,                     % standard graphicx settings
           valign=c, margin=-3pt 6pt 0pt 6pt,#1}     % settings from adjustbox
    & \textbf{ALICE} is designed to study heavy-ions collisions. It is mostly focusing on study of the quark-gluon plasma.            \\
    & \textbf{ALPHA} is working on trapped antihidrogen atoms. The precise measurement of hydrogen and antihydrogen may allows to understand the fundamental symmetries between matter and antimatter.                      \\
    & \textbf{AMS} is a particle detector that looks for dark matter, antimatter and missing matter. It is attached to the International Space Station   \\


这个解决方案实现为一段\fboxes。 \lineskip用于重叠盒子的边缘。


  \hspace{\tabcolsep}\parbox{6cm}{\textbf{ALICE} is designed to study heavy-ions collisions. 
    It is mostly focusing on study of the quark-gluon plasma.}\hspace{\tabcolsep}}
  \hspace{\tabcolsep}\parbox{6cm}{\textbf{ALPHA} is working on trapped antihidrogen atoms. 
    The precise measurement of hydrogen and antihydrogen may allows to understand the fundamental 
    symmetries between matter and antimatter.}\hspace{\tabcolsep}}
  \hspace{\tabcolsep}\parbox{6cm}{\textbf{AMS} is a particle detector that looks for dark matter, 
    antimatter and missing matter. It is attached to the International Space Station.}\hspace{\tabcolsep}}
\par}% needed to use current lineskip

