我们可以使用截短包截断一段文本以便它适合例如 5 厘米宽的盒子。
如果我有一个(可能很长的)文本,我想将其排版在 5 厘米宽的小页面中,右边参差不齐,以便它最多使用 6 行?
基本上,我只想让 LaTeX 排版一段文本,以便我们像往常一样最多添加 5 次换行符,然后根据需要截断最后一行(使用某种截断标记,如“...”)。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, ...
\stackengine{0pt}{\clipbox{0pt \dimexpr\dp0-#1\baselineskip%
{} 0in 0pt}{\copy0}}{...\strut}{U}{l}{F}{F}{S}%
\textsf{original text in 5cm wide parbox}\smallskip
\textsf{5cm wide parbox, truncated to 8 lines + ellipsis}\smallskip
\textsf{or 3 lines, ragged right}\smallskip
这是所有基于 e-TeX 的编译器的简单版本,它定义了一个命令\shortvbox{number of lines}{width}{text}
。这个想法基于第 5.9.6 节中描述的垂直框剖析算法TeX 按主题分类。
给定宽度的 a 中设置框文本(实际上\vtop
使用 a 来将框对齐到其第一行而不是最后一行,但这并不重要)。请注意,这也允许设置完全对齐的文本。接下来是两次运行解剖命令\shortvbox@
。该命令运行一个循环,在每次迭代时检查添加到 vbox 的最后一个节点。为此,我们使用 e-TeX 命令,\lastnodetype
它会给我们一个数字,指示哪种节点是当前列表中的最后一个节点(hbox、glue、penalty 等)。根据节点类型,我们使用适当的命令来移除并稍后重新组装最终的框。
% #1: Number of lines in the final box
% #2: Width of the box
% #3: Text
\setbox0=\vtop{\hsize=#2 #3\par}
% #1: number of lines to reassemble
% #2: C = count lines only, otherwise also build box
\ifnum\count1=1\relax % hbox
\global\advance\shortvbox@lines by \if#2C 1\else -1\fi
\ifnum\count1=11\relax % glue
\ifnum\count1=13\relax % penalty
% \message{lastnodetype=\the\count1}
\ifnum\count1<0 0\else
\ifnum\count1=1 1\else
\ifnum\count1=11 1\else
\ifnum\count1=13 1\else
0% stop early if we don't know how to handle the last node
\ifnum\count1=1\relax % hbox
\ifnum\count1=11\relax % glue
\ifnum\count1=13\relax % penalty
\fbox{\shortvbox{7}{5cm}{What if I have got a (possibly long) text that I would like to typeset in a 5cm wide minipage, \textbf{ragged right}, so that it uses at most 6 lines?
Basically, I would just like to ask \LaTeX to typeset a piece of text so that we add line breaks as usual at most 5 times, and then the last line is truncated (with some kind of a truncation marker such as \texttt{"..."}) if needed.}}
\fbox{\shortvbox{4}{5cm}{\raggedright What if I have got a (possibly long) text that I would like to typeset in a 5cm wide minipage, \textbf{ragged right}, so that it uses at most 6 lines?
Basically, I would just like to ask \LaTeX to typeset a piece of text so that we add line breaks as usual at most 5 times, and then the last line is truncated (with some kind of a truncation marker such as \texttt{"..."}) if needed.}}