我可以使用 paracols 包来实现这一点,将所有文本放在一页上。但我不知道如何将其布局到两页上。
近似 MWE:
\textbf{prose}: The long and boring part of a document.
This constitutes a long and verbose set of \textbf{prose}.
\usepackage[backgroundcolor = none,
%linecolor= none, % Removes the line
%bordercolor= none, % Removes the border
% Can change the width of the note
\geometry{lmargin = 2in, marginparwidth = 1in} % lmargin should be +1 inch larger than marginparwidth
%\normalmarginpar % Used to place the marign on the right side.
\reversemarginpar % Used to place the marign on the left side.
\lipsum[1]. Now I will add a note here \todo{First note has been added!}.
Here is the second note: \todo{Second note is added, note (pun intended) that both
notes are very close and \textit{should} overlap but this has been taken care of.}
\lipsum[2-4] A third note has been added.\todo{Third note is added here!!}
Now, continue to the next paragraph.\lipsum[5]
\todo{Third note is added and it needs to be very very very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long}\lipsum[6]
... Now, continue to the next paragraph.\newpage \lipsum[5] \todo{Third note is added and it needs to be very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long}\lipsum[6]