嵌套 xparse 宏

嵌套 xparse 宏


\NewDocumentCommand{\GenericWebSite}{s O{blue} o m e_}{<code>}


\NewDocumentCommand{\ImportantWebSite}{s o o m e_}{%

蛮力方法(如下面的 MWE 所示)效果很好,但肯定有更简单的方法来做到这一点。

第一行是 的各种用途的输出\GenericWebSite,第二行是传入\ImportantWebSite相同参数的 的调用。



  • \GenericWebSite这个问题不是关于测试用例中定义的具体功能,而是一般的在 MWE 中定义一个新的xparse宏,\ImportantWebSite以便它可以利用现有的宏(\GenericWebSite在本例中,该宏已经定义)。
  • 一个选项是传递键值标志,\GenericWebSite以便单身的宏可以提供所有功能。虽然在这个特定示例中,这当然是可行的,但我更愿意保留单独的宏,因为在实际用例中,我需要许多变体。





    s%        * = text in #4 is already a link
    O{blue}% #2 = color to use for text
    o%       #3 = web site to link to (Defaults to \@DefaultWebLink)
    m%       #4 = text to display
    e_%      #5 = optional subscript
    \begingroup%% Keep \color{} change local 
        \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% no need to link web site as it is already a link
            \IfNoValueTF{#3}{% web site to link to not provided, so use default
            }{% web site to link to provided
        \IfNoValueTF{#5}{}{% Include subscript since it was given

%% Want to make use of \GenericWebSite with some slight modifications
    s%   * = text in #4 is already a link
    o%  #2 = color to use for text <--- NOTE that this does NOT have a default
    o%  #3 = web site to link to (Defaults to \@DefaultWebLink)
    m%  #4 = text to display
    e_% #5 = optional subscript
        \IfValueTF{#2}{% #2 given so needs to be passed on
        }{% No #2 given, so same as true case above but without the #2
            }{%  No #2 and #3 given, so same as true case above but without the #2 and #3
    }{%  same as above but without the * option
        \IfValueTF{#2}{% #2 given so needs to be passed on
        }{% No #2 given, so same as true case above but without the #2
            }{%  No #2 and #3 given, so same as true case above but without the #2 and #3

    %% Testing various uses of \GenericWebSite
    $\GenericWebSite*[black]{\href{http://www.google.com}{The Google}}_4$
    %% Testing various uses of \ImportantWebSite
    $\ImportantWebSite*[black]{\href{http://www.google.com}{The Google}}_4$




   { #1 }
   { #2 }
   { #3 }
   { #4 }
   { #5 }
   { #1 }
   { #2 }
   { #3 }
   { #4 }
   { #5 }

\tl_const:Nn \c_grill_website_default_tl { http://tex.stackexchange.com }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \grill_website_generic:nn
\cs_new_protected:Nn \grill_website_important:nn
    \tl_if_empty:nF { #1 } { \color{#1} }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \grill_website:nnnnnN
  % #1 = *
  % #2 = optional color (for generic)
  % #3 = text to display
  % #4 = web site to link 
  % #5 = subscript
  % #6 = wrapper
  #6 { #2 }
    \bool_if:nTF { #1 }
     {% no need to link web site as it is already a link
    \tl_if_novalue:nF { #5 }
      \mode_if_math:TF { \sb } { \textsubscript } {\textnormal{Note: #5}}


%% Testing various uses of \GenericWebSite
\GenericWebSite*[black]{\href{http://www.google.com}{The Google}}+4
$\GenericWebSite*[black]{\href{http://www.google.com}{The Google}}+4$


%% Testing various uses of \ImportantWebSite
\ImportantWebSite*[black]{\href{http://www.google.com}{The Google}}+4
$\ImportantWebSite*[black]{\href{http://www.google.com}{The Google}}+4$




