教科书包含考试题目和答案,全部使用 exsheet 捆绑在一起

教科书包含考试题目和答案,全部使用 exsheet 捆绑在一起


  1. exam问题以班级格式列出,并带有question编号,part以及subpart
  2. 问题、问题部分和子部分应标明分数或点数以及整个问题的总分,例如\addtotalpoints在考试类别中
  3. 排版时把解答写在问题后面,但出现在书的最后。



join   = { title[r,B]number[l,B](1ex,0pt) } ,
attach =
    main[l,vc]title[l,vc](0pt,0pt) ;
above  = \baselineskip-.5ex ,
below  = .5ex}\NewQuSolPair{exercise}{solution}  

   runin = true,  
   number-post-code = \space,}  

question/pre-body-hook = {%  
solution/pre-hook = {%    \hypertarget{sol:\CurrentQuestionID}{}%
solution/pre-body-hook = {%
headings = myheadings2 }    

\section{Cell structure} 
\item all living organisms are made up of cells
\item cells may be specialised to carry out a particular function
\item specialised cells include root hair cells, nerve cells, red blood cells
\item Which organelle is responsible for:
\item entry and exit of substances into or out of the cell
\item controlling all cellular activities  
\item Below is a diagram of a plant cell.
\item Identify parts 1- 6.
\item Identify features which are \textbf{not} found in animal cells  
        \item cell membrane
        \item nucleus
        \item \begin{itemize}
            \item chloroplast
            \item permanent vacuole
            \item cytoplasm
            \item cell wall
            \item cell membrane
            \item nucleus
            \item chloroplast/1
            \item permanent vacuole/2
            \item cell wall/4
\item living organisms need food for the following:
    \item  to produce energy that is used in work and physical exercise and to keep the body temperature at $37^OC$
    \item for growth
    \item to renew and repair worn out tissues
    \item A person’s diet should contain carbohydrate and fat and protein.  Give two reasons why.
    \item Name one health problem, other than being overweight, that is linked to an unbalanced diet.

\item Explain the importance of the following in maintaining good health
    \item personal hygiene
    \item sewage disposal
    \item  to get a balanced diet / to prevent malnourishment
    \item to obtain energy
    \item  for  building cells / growth / repair
\item heart disease, any deficiency disease

\item prevent the spread of diseases
\item prevent the spread of diseases








\section{Cell structure}
\item all living organisms are made up of cells 
\item cells may be specialised to carry out a particular function 
\item specialised cells include root hair cells, nerve cells, red blood cells 

\sbox\titlebox{\refstepcounter{exercise}% to avoid writing it twice
\makebox[1in][l]{\normalfont\bfseries Exercise~\theexercise}%
\parbox[t]{\dimexpr \columnwidth-1.5in-\columnsep}{\normalfont Fill in the missing words.}\hfill
\makebox[0.5in][l]{\normalfont 10 points}}%

        Animals cells contain $..............$, a semi-fluid solution of salts and other molecules, and are surrounded by a $..............$. When surrounded by distilled water, the animal cells absorb water by $..............$. 
    \item   The leaves of green plants obtain the gas $..............$ which they require for photosynthesis, by a process of $..............$. They also lose the gas oxygen produced during $..............$ by the same process. These gases move in and out through small pores called $..............$.
    \item Water is obtained by plants from the soil solution. The water enters by the process of $..............$, via structures outside the root called $..............$.  Water is transported in the $..............$. Sugars produced during photosynthesis are transported in the $..............$    

            \item a cytoplasm
            \item cell membrane
            \item osmosis
        \item carbon dioxide 
        \item diffusion
        \item photosynthesis
        \item stomata
        \item osmosis
        \item root hair cells
        \item xylem
        \item phloem

