使用 natbib 将任意文本添加到文档正文中的引用列表中

使用 natbib 将任意文本添加到文档正文中的引用列表中



\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Allows UTF8 input. 
        author ="Brown, Matthew L. and Van Wieren, Ken and Tailor, Hamel N. and Hartling, David and Jean, Anthony and Merbouh, Nabyl",
        title  ="Three-dimensional printing of ellipsoidal structures using Mercury",
        journal  ="CrystEngComm",
        year  ="2018",
        doi  ="10.1039/C7CE01901G",
        author = {Van Wieren, Ken and Tailor, Hamel N. and Scalfani, Vincent F. and Merbouh, Nabyl},
        title = {Rapid Access to Multicolor Three-Dimensional Printed Chemistry and Biochemistry Models Using Visualization and Three-Dimensional Printing Software Programs},
        journal = {J.~Chem. Ed.},
        year = {2017},
        doi = {10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00602},
    The structure is then exported as a Virtual-Reality Markup Language file (*.wrl or VRML) as outlined previously.\cite{Brown,Merbouh} This file is then imported into magics where the Split Part by Colour command is used. Each of the resulting parts is then saved as a separate StereoLithography  (*.stl or STL) file.\footnote{Stereolithography files were used instead of virtual-reality markup language files due to a bug in this version of Magics that resulted in the structures being shrunk by a factor of 100 every time they were saved as a VRML file.} 
    The structures where was then re-opened in Magics one at a time and the repair functions were used to correct the errors created by Mercury’s export function. 
    \bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} %chagned from the RSC's .bst file

其输出如下(页面中间的空白处已编辑掉): 在此处输入图片描述

我希望 \footnote 中的文本在引文列表中显示为 3,然后其后的下一个引文显示为 4,依此类推。预期效果可以在这张纸(在 Word 中制作)在条目 7 和 8 中。


bib2note正如 moewe 在评论中所说,这可以通过包来完成。



    author ="Brown, Matthew L. and Van Wieren, Ken and Tailor, Hamel N. and Hartling, David and Jean, Anthony and Merbouh, Nabyl",
    title  ="Three-dimensional printing of ellipsoidal structures using Mercury",
    journal  ="CrystEngComm",
    year  ="2018",
    doi  ="10.1039/C7CE01901G",




This is example text\cite{Brown}.
Now this is text that needs a bibnote\bibnote[round]{Structure measured with calipers and rounded to the nearest}.
Now I need to refer to that bibnote again\citenote{round}


