我在名称消歧义方面遇到了一个问题,这让我很困惑。在消除名称歧义时,biblatex 使用后缀首字母,而不是完整的名称后缀。我看到的是:
TA Parker I.、SA Parker 等人 1982
TA Parker I.、Schulenberg、GR Graves 等人 1985
TA Parker I.、Schulenberg、Kessler 等人 1995
TA Parker I.、Stotz 等人 1996
Gottdenker 等人 2005
TA Parker III、SA Parker 等人 1982
TA Parker III、Schulenberg、Graves 等人 1985
TA Parker III、Schulenberg、Kessler 等人 1995
TA Parker III、Stotz 等人 1996
Gottdenker 等人 2005
我的截断 bib 文件:
% Encoding: UTF-8
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Schulenberg, T. S. and Graves, G. R. and Braun, M. J.},
title = {The avifauna of the Huancabamba region, northern Peru},
journaltitle = {Ornithological Monographs},
year = {1985},
issuetitle = {Neotropical ornithology (P. A. Buckley, M. S. Foster, E. S. Morton, R. S. Ridgley, and F. G. Buckley, (Eds.))},
volume = {36,},
pages = {169--197},
doi = {10.2307/40168282},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Schulenberg, T. S. and Kessler, M. and Wust, W. H.},
title = {Natural history and conservation of the endemic avifauna in north-west Peru},
journaltitle = {Bird Conservation International},
year = {1995},
issuetitle = {In memory of Ted Parker},
volume = {5},
number = {2-3},
pages = {201--232},
doi = {10.1017/S0959270900001015},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Stotz, D. F. and Fitzpatrick, J. W.},
title = {Ecological and distributional databases},
pages = {113--436},
crossref = {stotzfitzpatricketal1996neotropical},
keywords = {validated, new},
author = {Stotz, D. F. and Fitzpatrick, J. W. and Parker, III, T. A. and Moskovits, D. K.},
title = {Neotropical birds: ecology and conservation},
year = {1996},
publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
location = {Chicago},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Gottdenker, N. L. and Walsh, T. and Vargas, H. and Merkel, J. and Jiménez, G. U. and Miller, R. E. and Dailey, M. and Parker, P. G.},
title = {Assessing the risks of introduced chickens and their pathogens to native birds in the Galápagos Archipelago},
journaltitle = {Biological Conservation},
year = {2005},
volume = {126},
number = {3},
pages = {429--439},
doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2005.06.025},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Parker, S. A. and Plenge, M. A.},
title = {An annotated checklist of Peruvian birds},
year = {1982},
publisher = {Buteo Books},
location = {Vermillion, SD},
keywords = {validated, new},
这些是我的书目(超过 2500 条条目)中三个不同 Parker 的五个例子。我看到带有“Jr.”后缀的名字也出现了同样的结果,这些名字也需要消除歧义。Parker, SA 可以消除歧义。Parker, PG 则不能,我不知道为什么。
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=.75in]{geometry}
如何才能使 APA 名称消歧义使用整个后缀,而不仅仅是后缀首字母?
这意味着你的引用没有使用 APA 格式。因此我简化了这个例子。
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Schulenberg, T. S. and Graves, G. R. and Braun, M. J.},
title = {The avifauna of the Huancabamba region, northern Peru},
journaltitle = {Ornithological Monographs},
year = {1985},
issuetitle = {Neotropical ornithology (P. A. Buckley, M. S. Foster, E. S. Morton, R. S. Ridgley, and F. G. Buckley, (Eds.))},
volume = {36,},
pages = {169--197},
doi = {10.2307/40168282},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Schulenberg, T. S. and Kessler, M. and Wust, W. H.},
title = {Natural history and conservation of the endemic avifauna in north-west Peru},
journaltitle = {Bird Conservation International},
year = {1995},
issuetitle = {In memory of Ted Parker},
volume = {5},
number = {2-3},
pages = {201--232},
doi = {10.1017/S0959270900001015},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Stotz, D. F. and Fitzpatrick, J. W.},
title = {Ecological and distributional databases},
pages = {113--436},
crossref = {stotzfitzpatricketal1996neotropical},
keywords = {validated, new},
author = {Stotz, D. F. and Fitzpatrick, J. W. and Parker, III, T. A. and Moskovits, D. K.},
title = {Neotropical birds: ecology and conservation},
year = {1996},
publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
location = {Chicago},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Gottdenker, N. L. and Walsh, T. and Vargas, H. and Merkel, J. and Jiménez, G. U. and Miller, R. E. and Dailey, M. and Parker, P. G.},
title = {Assessing the risks of introduced chickens and their pathogens to native birds in the Galápagos Archipelago},
journaltitle = {Biological Conservation},
year = {2005},
volume = {126},
number = {3},
pages = {429--439},
doi = {10.1016/j.biocon.2005.06.025},
keywords = {validated},
author = {Parker, III, T. A. and Parker, S. A. and Plenge, M. A.},
title = {An annotated checklist of Peruvian birds},
year = {1982},
publisher = {Buteo Books},
location = {Vermillion, SD},
keywords = {validated, new},
TA Parker III、SA Parker 和 Plenge 1982
TA Parker III、Schulenberg、Graves 等人,1985 年
TA Parker III、Schulenberg、Kessler 等人,1995 年
TA Parker III、Stotz 和 Fitzpatrick 1996
Gottdenker 等人,2005 年
PG Parker 单独gottdenkerwalshetal2005assessing
不会触发 Parkeruniquename
只能消除最多 的歧义maxnames