我尝试从代码中修改埃拉托斯特尼筛法的动画(作者:彼得·格里尔): http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/eratosthenes-sieve/
\usepackage{microtype}% Allow comma into margin in list of primes
\usepackage{xstring}% String comparison
\usepackage{tikz}% Drawing
\usetikzlibrary{calc}% Coordinate calculations
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds}% Apply shading on background layer
\def\NumOfColumns{10}% See note above if product of
\def\NumOfRows{10}% NumOfColumns and NumOfRows > 100.
%% \FramesToHoldAtEnd should be larger than the number of primes
%% so that they can get highlighted at the end of the process
\def\FramesToHoldAtEnd{25}% 25 is enough for 10x10
\def\Scale{0.6}% May need tweaking..
\def\PrimeColor{green!80!red}% Shade for primes found previously
\def\NewPrimeColor{green!80!red}% Shade for prime just found
\def\NewPrimeText{red}% Color for primes in list
\def\NonPrimeColor{yellow!80!red}% Shade for non-primes
%% List of Primes is typeset into a \node of this width.
% Simplifies code below if we just redefine these two from the
% animate package so that they do don't much.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Should not need to adjust anything below this line
% Choose opacity so that we can have the max number of shades
%% The Sieve algorithm requires that once a number is marked
%% as non-prime (i.e., was a multiple of some other number)
%% we don't need to check multiples of that number as they
%% have already been marked as non-prime.
%% Usually one would use an array and set a flag. But since
%% variables with numbers are difficult with TeX, we can
%% define a node named with the number that is non-prime.
%% Then just check that the node exists to see if it was
%% marked as non-prime.
% Mark number as either "Prime" or "NonPrime".
\newcommand*{\MarkNumber}[2][NonPrime]{\node (#1#2) {}}% #1=prefix, #2=num
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/37709/how-can-i-know-if-a-node-is-already-defined
\newcommand{\IfNumberAlreadyMarked}[4][NonPrime]{% #1=prefix, #2=num
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20655/how-to-undo-a-def-i-e-need-a-undef-capability
\global\expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname\@undefined%
%% Since we repeat the process from the beginning for the animated
%% version, use this to clear the nodes so that the numbers are
%% not marked as multiples of a number from the previous run.
\foreach \i in {1,...,\MaxValue}{%
%% The Sieve algorithm skips multiples of numbers already marked as
%% non-prime. So, to number the individual steps, need to use
%% a counter.
%% i.e., Step 4 is processing multiples of 5 (since we skip 4).
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Titles and Labels
\def\Separator{}% First member of list of primes
\def\Separator{, }% Subsequent member of list of primes
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Step 1: Create a list of integers 2...n
\begin{scope}% Add numbers to each node
\draw (0,-1) -- ($(0,-\NumOfRows-1)$);
\foreach \col in {1,...,\NumOfColumns} {%
\draw (\col,-1) -- ($(\col,-\NumOfRows-1)$);
\draw (0,-1) -- (\NumOfColumns,-1);
\foreach \row in {1,...,\NumOfRows}{%
%% Suppress number 1 from being printed since first
%% step of Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm is to
%% create a list of integers 2...n
\node at ($(\col,-\row)-(0.5,0.5)$) {\value};
\draw (0,-\row-1) -- (\NumOfColumns,-\row-1);
%% Since we just drew the grid we should ensure that none
%% of the numbered nodes exist (i.e., that no numbers
%% are marked as non-prime. And reset list of primes.
%% #1 = fill options
%% #2 = number
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill [#1]
(\Column-1,-\Row) --
($(\Column-1,-\Row)+(1,0)$) --
($(\Column-1,-\Row)+(1,-1)$) --
(\Column-1,-\Row-1) --
%% If only 1 arg is given (i.e., #1=0), then
%% #2 = the multiple for which the coloring is applied
%% If two args are given (i.e., #1 != 0) then
%% #1 = Value of \MaxMultiple (used for animated version)
%% In the two arg case we run the entire sequence
%% from the beginning up until the multiple #1*#2
%% is reached.
\IfEq{#1}{0}{% Run the entire sequence
}{% Run sequence up until number given for animating
\foreach \i in {2,...,\MaxMultiple} {
fill opacity=\Opacity
%% #1 = current multiple to which to build the pattern up to
%% if #1=0 and #2=\MaxValue, then we are in an end hold frame
%% #2 = number of whose multiples we are eliminating in this step
%% if #2=1, then only draw grid (provides hold frame at start)
%%\AddTitleNode;% Print Main title if \AnimateSieve is defined
%% This is a hold frame at start so only show grid of numbers
%% No pre-processing steps to be done in this case
%% Since we are eliminating multiples of a number
%% other than 2, we need to get the table up to
%% the state where all the multiples of 2...(#2-1)
%% are eliminated.
\pgfmathsetmacro{\PreviousMultiple}{#2 - 1}%
\foreach \n in {2,...,\PreviousMultiple} {%
%% Skip. Multiples are already marked as non-prime
%% since this number is a multiple of a smaller
%% prime.
%% This is a prime. Mark it as prime, and mark
%% its multiples as non-prime.
%% Already taken care of in a previous run. This test
%% is needed to cover the case where the value of the
%% sqrt{NumberOfColumns x NumberOfRows) is not prime.
%% For example: 10x10.
%% Now eliminate the numbers up to the current state
%% If we are holding the very final result don't print title.
%% This is the case when #2=\MaxValue and #1=0.
%% Need to do this at the end so that we can access
%% which numbers have been marked as non-prime.
%% This is the final hold frame
%% In this case, #2 is not a new prime so
%% correct its color. So, don't add it to the
%% list of primes, but correct ensure its
%% color corresponds to an old prime
%% In this case, #2 is a new prime so
%% add it to the list of primes,
%% But since this is the final hold frame, we need
%% to mark all the numbers not already marked as
%% non-prime as prime. Do one at at time, so that
%% this can be seen in the animation.
\foreach \p in {\StartValue,...,\MaxNumber}{%
%% This number has been marked as non-prime
%% This is a prime
%% Already found this prime earlier.
%% So ensure it has appropriate fill.
%% New prime: Mark it as such, and
%% break out to complete this frame.
%% Not final hold frame, so normal title
%% #1 = current multiple to which to build the pattern up to
%% #2 = number of whose multiples we are eliminating in this step
%% if #2=1, then only draw grid (provides hold frame at start)
%%\AddTitleNode;% Print Main title if \AnimateSieve is defined
\foreach \p in {2,...,\MaxValue}{%
\foreach \p in {\StartValue,...,\MaxNumber}{%
%% This number has already been marked as non-prime
%% This is a prime. Since we are just printing out
%% the final results we don't distinguish between a
%% newly found prime and a prime found previously.
\begin{frame}{Sieve of Eratosthenes}
\begin{animateinline}[autopause,controls, buttonsize=1.2em, buttonbg=1:0.78:0,buttonfg=0.2:0.2:0.2]{\FrameRate}%
\whiledo{\arabic{CountK} < \FramesToHoldAtStart}{%
\BuildFrame[0]{1}% initial hold frame
\whiledo{\numexpr\arabic{CountK}-1 < \MaxValue}{%
%% \value{CountK} has already been marked as non-prime.
%% Hence, so so are its multiples, and we can skip it.
%% Question 1: Should be able to replace three lines following with
%% this. But then animation seems to skip the loop below
% \pgfmathsetcounter{CurrentMaxMultiplePlusOne}{1+(\MaxNumber/\arabic{CountK})}%
%% Question 2: Ideally would prefer to use the following syntax
%% but this does not even compile!!! But, an indentical
%% syntax works in the above `\whiledo`, where the value of
%% \MaxValue was also defined by \pgfmathtruncatemacro
% \whiledo{\numexpr\arabic{CountP}-1 < \MaxMultiple}{%
\whiledo{\arabic{CountP} < \arabic{CurrentMaxMultiplePlusOne}}{%
% At end, add hold frames in case we are looping
% There needs to be enough of these so that each of the
% primes (those not colored in) get highlighted at each frame.
\whiledo{\numexpr\arabic{CountK}-1 < \FramesToHoldAtEnd}{%