

我正在制作一份很棒的简历(下载自这里)。我得到了@egreg 的关于如何将项目放入列的答案。但我想更改项目符号的外观。以下是他使用默认模板命令和 itemize 样式给出的答案:



%     Personal Data
%%% Essentials
\address{An Address, 3245}
\mobile{(+57) 45-45654-434} 
%%% Social
\email{[email protected]}
%%% Optionals
\position{My Position}
\quote{``I am me.''}

%     Content
%%% Make a footer for CV with three arguments(<left>, <center>, <right>)
  {My Resume}

%%% Make a header for CV with personal data

{Manager xx } % Job title
{xxx} % Organization
{Swi} % Location
{2019} % Date(s)
{ % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities
\item item 1 with words describing it
\item item 2 with words describing it
\item item 3 with words describing it
\item item 4 with words describing it
\item item 5 with words describing it
\item item 6 with words describing it

{Manager xx } % Job title
{xxx} % Organization
{Swi} % Location
{2019} % Date(s)
{ % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities
\item item 1 with words describing it
\item item 2 with words describing it
\item item 3 with words describing it

{Manager xx } % Job title
{xxx} % Organization
{Swi} % Location
{2019} % Date(s)
{ % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities
\item item 1 with words describing it
\item item 2 with words describing it
\item item 3 with words describing it

{Manager xx } % Job title
{xxx} % Organization
{Swi} % Location
{2019} % Date(s)
{ % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities
\item item 1
\item item 2
\item item 3
\item item 4
\item item 5
\item item 6
\item item 7
\item item 8
\item item 9
\item item 10
\item item 11






我使用了@Fran 答案中的项目符号样式这里


%     Personal Data
%%% Essentials
\address{An Address, 3245}
\mobile{(+57) 45-45654-434} 
%%% Social
\email{[email protected]}
%%% Optionals
\position{My Position}
\quote{``I am me.''}

%     Content
%%% Make a footer for CV with three arguments(<left>, <center>, <right>)
  {My Resume}

%koleygr: Here is the code needed for out item-table

%From: Fran's answer https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/72814/120578
% tkiz ball item
            \node[circle,ball color=awesome-red, shade, 
 color=black,inner sep=1.2pt] (char) {#1 #2};}}

% Creates a tabular that accepts \item command:
% #1 is the size like "\scriptsize or \normalsize [default] or \tiny etc
% #2 size of tabular like "c@{\extracolsep{\fill}}cc" or "p{3cm}@{\extracolsep{\fill}}p{3cm}"
% #3 integer larger than 0 gives numbered items else unnumbered
% #4 distance from the ball (of the item)


%%% Make a header for CV with personal data

{Manager xx } % Job title
{xxx} % Organization
{Swi} % Location
{2019} % Date(s)
{ % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities
%\item {item 1}
%\item {item2}
%\item {item 3}
%\item {item4}
\begin{myitems}[]{p{6.5cm} @{\extracolsep{2cm}} p{6.5cm}}{1}{4pt}
\item 2004--2014 Manager of a No-name company and lost my time with them&\item 2014 --2016 Manager of a Huge company that solved the equation $y=3\cdot x$ where $x=1$ \\[4pt]
\item 2016--2018 Unemployed because of the world's biggest Economical Crisis.&\item 2018 --(till die) Hope to not lose my time with your Company

{Manager xx } % Job title
{xxx} % Organization
{Swi} % Location
{2019} % Date(s)
{ % Description(s) of tasks/responsibilities
%\item {item 1}
%\item {item2}
%\item {item 3}
%\item {item4}
\begin{myitems}[]{p{6.5cm} @{\extracolsep{2cm}} p{6.5cm}}{0}{4pt}
\item 2004--2014 Manager of a No-name company and lost my time with them&\item 2014 --2016 Manager of a Huge company that solved the equation $y=3\cdot x$ where $x=1$ \\[4pt]
\item 2016--2018 Unemployed because of the world's biggest Economical Crisis.&\item 2018 --(till die) Hope to not lose my time with your Company



