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% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
This is a lot of bla bla bla to see what is happening. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more.
And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more
rectangle split,
rectangle split parts=2,
rectangle split horizontal,
rectangle split part align={top},
line width=3pt
\nodepart{two} \usebox{\testbox}.
\node[above=12pt of test.south,fill=white]{%
\bfseries\LARGE\color{red} $\Longleftarrow$ EXTRA SPACE? $\Longrightarrow$};
This is a lot of bla bla bla to see what is happening. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more.
And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more
rectangle split,
rectangle split parts=2,
rectangle split horizontal,
rectangle split part align={top},
line width=3pt
\nodepart{two} \usebox{\testbox}.
This is a lot of bla bla bla to see what is happening. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more.
And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more
rectangle split,
rectangle split parts=2,
rectangle split horizontal,
rectangle split part align={top},
line width=3pt
] (test)
{\includegraphics[width=2in,valign=c]{example-image-a} % with "valign=c" is image baseline moved to its vertical center
\nodepart{two} \usebox{\testbox}
sidebyside adapt=left,
segmentation style=solid,
sharp corners]
This is a lot of bla bla bla to see what is happening. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more.
And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more
sidebyside adapt=left,
segmentation style=solid,
sharp corners]
And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more. And this is more text. and a lot more