如何在两页而不是一页上使用 \stretch 命令

如何在两页而不是一页上使用 \stretch 命令

我尝试使用 \stretch 命令来分隔文本片段(用于音乐会节目单),效果非常好,但我不知道如何将这个设计扩展到两页。
显然我可以在中间写一个 \newpage,但感觉应该有一种自动的方法将内容均匀地分布在两页上。感谢您的任何建议。


\documentclass[a5paper, 12pt]{article}



Text \hfill Text2 \par
Text \hfill Text \par
\hfill King of Denmark’s Galliard

John Loeillet   \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 




\documentclass[a5paper, 12pt]{article}



Text \hfill Text2 \par
Text \hfill Text \par
\hfill King of Denmark’s Galliard

John Loeillet   \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 

Modified Composer \hfill Sonate No. 5 g-moll modified 


